Katharine Hepburn said "If you obey all the rules... you miss out on all the fun" and you know what? She was right.
Today was a girl's day with my momma and me. We went shopping! First stop? Kohls. So, I'm not a sunglasses wearer (obviously, since I have glasses haha) but I decided to try on just about every pair of sunglasses while my mom was looking at clothes. I'm sure the people thought I was weird cause I'd make goofy faces at my mom with each pair of glasses, but hey, it's what we do haha :) These are the aviators. They're Ethans fave, so I tried to work it.
Then, lo and behold, my eye started itching like INSANELY. I have never had an eye itch this bad. Okay, so I've had the same 2 eyes for almost 23 years, but you know what I mean haha! My mom kept yelling at me to quit scratching it, but I couldn't help it. So, I walked around the store like this:

Oh yes, I got quite the looks today, haha!
So then, the Burger King in our city re-opened with an amazing remodeling. Of course, we had to stop. A) Because I was absolutely craving BK fries and 2) We love new stuff! We walked in and there were balloons and people everywhere! It was a CRAZY grand opening! All your superheroes were there... Superman, Batman, and THE KING.
It was hilarious! Plus the news interviewed my friend Chase and I while we were there. Supposedly... we could be on the local news tonight at 11. We'll see if it happens or not!
After that, I went to this little donut shop in town and got this AMAZING Mocha Frozen Cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle! Mmm! Here's a picture and I was stopped at a stoplight when taking this before anyone freaks out, haha!

So, then I come home... and I realize my virus protection needs updated on my laptop. I use my laptop for work.. school... so it's obviously vital to my existence and cannot go without protection for long, so I thought I'd sit down today and update it. Who knew that'd be a 3 hour process, right? My computer wouldn't accept the updates so I was forced to contact McAfee and sit on the phone for 1 hour and then sit here while they worked on my computer for another 2 hours. Here's my screen while they were working away:
But then... I got the mail and lo and behold.. there was a beautiful card in there from my friend Rachel. I've been having a rough time here lately with some certain things and lemme tell you.. that brightened my day. The saying is true.. A friend is someone who, upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than have to watch their friend suffer. Rachel, you'll never know how much that card meant to me.. .especially after the afternoon I had. Thank you.
And the day ended with my amazing boyfriend surprising me and showing up... I had a rough afternoon. haha! So he came over and we watched "Passengers" which I recommend to anyone! And yeah, this picture pretty much sums us up. Goofballs! haha

Cheers to Project 365 and amazingly eventful days <3>
Today was a girl's day with my momma and me. We went shopping! First stop? Kohls. So, I'm not a sunglasses wearer (obviously, since I have glasses haha) but I decided to try on just about every pair of sunglasses while my mom was looking at clothes. I'm sure the people thought I was weird cause I'd make goofy faces at my mom with each pair of glasses, but hey, it's what we do haha :) These are the aviators. They're Ethans fave, so I tried to work it.
Then, lo and behold, my eye started itching like INSANELY. I have never had an eye itch this bad. Okay, so I've had the same 2 eyes for almost 23 years, but you know what I mean haha! My mom kept yelling at me to quit scratching it, but I couldn't help it. So, I walked around the store like this:

Oh yes, I got quite the looks today, haha!
So then, the Burger King in our city re-opened with an amazing remodeling. Of course, we had to stop. A) Because I was absolutely craving BK fries and 2) We love new stuff! We walked in and there were balloons and people everywhere! It was a CRAZY grand opening! All your superheroes were there... Superman, Batman, and THE KING.

After that, I went to this little donut shop in town and got this AMAZING Mocha Frozen Cappuccino with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle! Mmm! Here's a picture and I was stopped at a stoplight when taking this before anyone freaks out, haha!

So, then I come home... and I realize my virus protection needs updated on my laptop. I use my laptop for work.. school... so it's obviously vital to my existence and cannot go without protection for long, so I thought I'd sit down today and update it. Who knew that'd be a 3 hour process, right? My computer wouldn't accept the updates so I was forced to contact McAfee and sit on the phone for 1 hour and then sit here while they worked on my computer for another 2 hours. Here's my screen while they were working away:

Cheers to Project 365 and amazingly eventful days <3>