Sweet addiction..
Oh yes, I have an addiction to these suckaaas, haha! Last night I stayed at Ethan's so this morning I stopped at good ol' Mickey Ds on the way home and got me some sausage gravy and biscuits (not quite as good as Bob Evans) and 2 (yes I said two haha) sweet teas! Mmm! I just love them! I saved the one for later on in the day when I needed another fix, baha! I just love them.. and for only a dollar! You can't beat that!
And well, for reasons in which I can't really state, my day got.. terrible. Sad to say cause I'm usually a happy, optimistic person, but yea, today was a tad bit rough. HOWEVER, about 11:30 the mail came and lo and behold, I had 2 presents from my best friend Emily! She bought me ALL of the Harry Potter books, The Hangover (my favorite), my favorite candy: Peanut MnMs and Pull'n'Peel Twizzlers, a bookmark, a bracelet she made just for me, and a hilarious card! "FRIENDSHIP, FRIENDSHIP.." It was such a great Birthday present and came right at the right moment! My day got 10x better. Thanks beef, you're the best! :)

And well, I'm not usually extremely open about some personal matters. Some things tend to embarrass me... okay, not much, but some does... especially when I know the public is seeing it, but this story was too funny NOT to share.. and NOT to remember. This is my account of my life over the next year, so I have to write this lil diddy down :)
I needed some "medicine" today (I'm not on drugs or anything, just medicine is in quotes because, well, it's code, haha) and so, I went to CVS to purchase this. As I'm standing in line, the pharmacist asks me for my ID. So, I pull out my license and she says "Aren't you proud? Most people just LOVE pulling out their license and showing off their picture..." And well, I was in quite the sarcastic mood today, haha, so I replied "Yeah, this is a REALLY proud moment.." Okay, you seriously had to be there, but I was busting out laughing cause her face was beat red. She was like "OMG THAT IS TOTALLY NOT WHAT I MEANT!" hahaha! Then she was all worried cause it was probably on tape and all of this.. but it was so funny. She thanked me for having a sense of humor.. I said, honey, the way my life goes.. you ALWAYS have to have a sense of humor or you'll get sad really quickly, haha! Good times :)

Then the rest of the night was spent with my love-- American Idol and my momma haha! It was nice to just have a girls night together! :) I can't believe Michelle got kicked off.. the others I sort of agree with (although I thought Haeley was just adorable and thought Lacey should have been kicked off.. but whatever, I'm not bitter, haha!) It was a nice, relaxing evening in our peejays!

Cheers to Project 365!