Saturday, November 6, 2010
Project 365: Day 340- November 5th
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday Five
It's time for Thursday Five ladies!! Want to join in? Just list five things that have made you feel...
I feel happy when we have hot cocoa at night before bed. It's one of my favorite traditions... oh, and it's not simple hot cocoa. We add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. How yummy, right?
I feel giddy when I get kisses from Ethan. Is it crazy that after a year of dating, I still get butterflies when I see his car pull up? Yea, he still does that to me :)
I feel excited when I feel my precious, sweet baby girl moving around in my tummy! She is one active little girl and although I've been feeling her flutters and movements for almost 4 weeks now, it still takes my breath away with excitement that one day she'll be in my arms.
I feel giggly when I walk outdoors and the leaves are falling and it's freezing cold. This is my FAVORITE time of year and I feel like a little kid again when I take in my surroundings. It's gorgeous and breathtaking!
I feel adored when Ethan and I both cuddle in our big recliner. He pulls me in to his chest, kisses my forehead... it's one of my favorite moments and he makes me feel so loved. It's amazing!
Project 365: Day 339- November 4th
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Project 365: Day 338- November 3rd
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Project 365: Day 337- November 2nd
It was a pretty lazy, relaxing day today. I cleaned up some of the house, did the dishes, and chilled. I worked on updating 2 of my blogs: this one and my first time mommy blog :) As you've all seen if you are looking at this blog, I gave it a fall/Thanksgiving theme.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Project 365: Day 336- November 1st
Mondays are project days for my Education class... and well, since today was Monday that meant we had a project due today! I woke up a little bit early to get it done; however, once I signed on to my computer and tried to load Microsoft Word.... IT WOULDN'T WORK. Please don't ask me why because I'm still trying to figure it out... all I know is that it took me 2 hours to finally realize it absolutely was not going to work or re-install on my computer and that I had to install a trial version on Ethan's computer....
Once I got that figured out, it took me about an hour to finish the assignment. But to make time go a wee bit faster, I watched "The Back Up Plan" while working on it and oh my heavens.. I was ROLLING. I guess when you're pregnant and you've been through a lot of the stuff she was going through, it makes it hilarious for you! I wish Ethan could have been here to watch it with me, haha! Her throwing up at his work get-together (I did that when I first found out I was pregnant.... about 14 times, haha), her screaming because she can't find anything to fit (Ethan, I'm SO fat! Nothing fits!!!!), her constant snacking (you should see our cabinets), her body pillow (oh, I have one.. it gets used).... that's us haha! I told Ethan about it and how that movie made me actually feel a little bad for the men in our lives... they really do put up with a lot of mood swings LOL
After watching that, I did about 3 loads of laundry and started on the dinner :) We were having lasagna and garlic bread... yummy! :) And I have to say that Ethan and I are so blessed. His Aunt Karen gave us tons of pots and pans and it felt so good to actually use a skillet pan that was bigger than about a 6" diameter, haha!
Later on, we went for a drive, picked up things to make hot cocoa (hot cocoa mix and whipped cream) and I got a broccoli and cheese soup from McDonalds. YUMMY! :) We came home and I boiled some water on the stove and made some yummy hot cocoa and we put whipped cream all over the top hehe! It was so yummy! PLUS, I had my soup to enjoy with it :D
We were just getting ready to cuddle up to a movie when Carrie, Matt, Jon, and Arena came over. Carrie and Matt came to get Ethan's GPS so that they can go to Ultrasona (where we went to see Tayler in 3D)... they find out tomorrow what they're having :) We're excited! And Jon and Arena brought some new outfits for the Tayter-Bug hehe!
How cute is that outfit?? And the booty of her pants look like this:
haha! I LOVE IT! :)
Here's some onesies Aunt Arena bought her:
And her cute little pants Arena bought her:
And the little sleeper... gah, I'm in LOVE with this hehe! Look at the little feet:
And the socks she bought her :)
THANK YOU AUNT ARENA! :) Tayler loves them already, hehe!
Oh, and Grandpa Brian bought Tayler her first bib ever--
Grandpa loves her already :)
And after everyone left, Ethan and I cuddled up on the couch and watched "The Last Song" -- and yes, I bawled like a little baby!
Cheers to Project 365!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Project 365: Day 335- October 31st
This morning we actually BOTH slept in. Well, it was til 8:30AM but either way, it was sleeping in for us, haha! We got up and enjoyed some breakfast, then we headed on over to pick up some candy for our trick or treaters that would be coming later on this evening :) I even picked up my trick or treat basket at my parents I had last year. We filled it with our candy:
How adorable is that? haha! And I of course had antibacterial hand gel-- a necessity for every pregnant woman haha! Especially when passing out candy-- too much hand to hand contact for me! LOL
Mom and Dad decided to come down and pass out candy with us to all the trick or treaters :) They thankfully brought us chairs, hehe! So, we loaded up everything and carried it down to the spot across from the cemetery. As Arena says "That was very Halloweenie" haha! Here's Mom, Dad, and Ethan getting ready to pass out candy to the beggars! LOL
And here is the noisiest train in the world that we hear morning, noon, and night in our new house haha!!
Then Arena came with some candy to pass out to the kiddos too!! :) Here's a picture of her and me with our backs to the cemetery. Whooooo... creepy, haha!
I just love her :) Future sister-in-laws we are!
And I got a picture of mom and Ethan who were also helping pass out candy hehe! We had such a good time :)
And here are "the men" standing around talking about God knows what, haha!
And we got a visit from some of our favorite people: Malorie and Shawn. They had 2 of their 4 boys with them.. the twins-- Nate and Nick hehe! They were Buzz Lightyear and Woody. And they decided to pose for a picture for me, hehe! :)
And yes, MOM FOUND WALDO!!!!
hahahaha! We had sooo much fun :) Afterwards we headed over to Crenos and enjoyed some yummy food with my parents. Then Ethan and I went home and we snuggled up and watched "Ernest Scared Stupid!" I couldn't believe it was on TV! That was one of my favorite Halloween movies growing up (besides Hocus Pocus of course haha!)
Cheers to Project 365!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Project 365: Day 334- October 30th
Saturday morning-- I saw 6:30AM. That's right. My body just physically WILL NOT allow me to sleep in anymore, haha! I think Tay was starving-- or at least I know I was! haha! So, I got up and left my precious boy sleeping :) I made me some yummy yummy toaster scrambles with egg, bacon, and cheese, propped my feet up in the recliner, and watched CMT. :) It was really quiet and peaceful, so I worked on my Project 365 and waited for Ethan to realize I wasn't in bed haha. About 2 hours later, I hear foot steps down the hall and here he comes... cheeks red from sleeping, lines on his face from his pillow, and fists rubbing his eyes. He looked like he could be my child, haha! And to make it all the more hilarious-- THESE are what he was wearing :) hahaha!
Momma's little man! lol! And here is laying on my lap getting his sleepies out :P
He's so precious :)
After that, we ran some errands, he sold his Honda, he fixed his Sentra, and we got some Burger King! I had been CRAVING it! I got some yummy chicken nuggets, fries, and some barbeque sauce :) It was sooo good! Once we got home, we checked the mail and amazingly enough, there were 2 cards in there for us! The first one was from my sweet friend Sarah :) She gave Ethan and I a Halloween card! We LOVED it :)
And we had another card from my sweet friend Emily congratulating us on our precious little girl!
Thank you both sooo much! We are so thankful for you! :)
Also in the mail was 2 movies from Netflix I have been waiting to see :) I cannot wait to watch them-- "The Last Song" and "The Back Up Plan." Whoohoo! Look what I'll be doing Monday while working on my projects for class!
After that, we relaxed and watched some scary movies in the recliner til it was time to head out to a Halloween/Birthday party. The party was for our friend Laken. They played tons of drinking games and had a great time! What did the sweet pregnant girl not drinking do the whole time?
Show off pictures of her adorable baby girl to everyone that asked why she wasn't playing or drinking :)
Oh yes, I talked about her the entire time haha! Everyone was loving my little baby bump, her ultrasound shots, stories about her hehe :) Maybe it was the alcohol? haha! Either way-- that's what I did the entire evening by the fire :)
Then we headed home and snuggled till we fell asleep.
Cheers to Project 365!
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