Mama said there'll be days like this,
There'll be days like this Mama said...
That's a sad,sad picture of me with my car keys. Wanna know why? haha-- here goes. I stayed at Ethan's last night which is about 40 minutes from my house. He has to get up early for work.. about 5AMish.. so, we're both pretty much like zombies when I stay. His alarms go off, and he says "Babe, it snowed a lot last night, want me to go start your car for you?" How sweet right? So, I fumble around, grab my purse, hand him the keys, and lay back down for like a few more minutes of sleep. I was out of it, you know? Well, we get ready and we are walking out the door at about 5:30 and I just had this gut feeling that my keys were locked in the car.. and sure enough, I go check my door and it's LOCKED while the car is RUNNING. So Ethan's like.. no way! So I call my rents to tell them what's going on and why I'm not on the road yet.. and I mention the fact that I forgot I had a remote control starter on my car.. and of course Ethan hears it haha! I just totally forgot this morning that I had a remote control starter. Completely blanked. And I wasn't going to tell him because I thought that'd make him more mad *sigh* Well, he heard and he's like "What the heck? You have a remote control starter and now we have to go through this?" Yea, I felt bad. So, he has no wire hangers, so he drives to the local police station to ask if they could get it open for me. It took the police officer about 25 minutes to get the door unlocked... I am VERY thankful that he did get it open though because things were getting quite tense around the apartment. haha! So, at about 6:20AM we finally left... Ethan has to be at work @ 7 and it's a 1.5 hour drive.... so, yea, he was going to be late and I felt terrible. I thought the police officer was going to have a domestic dispute before it was all over, but thank God, the guy got it open and I left and got home safely. Sorry to my amazing boyfriend for making him late. Gah, what a start to the day right? haha!
So, once I got home, I just wanted to relax for a few. I have a lot of homework that's due by tomorrow, so I worked hard on that today. Plus I have 2 papers due Monday, so I've been trying to get outlines together for those as well.. all while watching Season 4 of Supernatural. Notice how these Winchester boys have been showing up in my Project 365 for the past 3 weeks? I swear, it's an addiction.

To make that rough day better... I drove and met my mom, dad, and Makala at Subway for dinner! I even changed up my usual. I am shocked too, so don't worry haha! I got a 6" meatball sub on italian herbs and cheese bread with pepperjack cheese, lettuce, tomato, and jalapeno peppers. And of course, a sweet tea! (and baked BBQ lays!) It was sooo good!

And the night ended with some Vampire Diaries and MORE Supernatural. Lazy night, but it's wonderful. However, I miss the boyfriend... gonna be a long 3 days.

Cheers to Project 365.. and rainy days. It makes you appreciate the sun so much more :)