Mother's Day is Sunday and so Corey, Ethan, and I sent flowers to my momma at work! I had to stop by and see them hehe! I was so excited when she texted me! So, I dropped my parent's laptop off to my dad at his college, then headed on over to my momma's work! It was Customer Appreciation day.. and well, I'm not a customer, haha, but they gave me a free hot dog, chips, and pop anyways! Whoohoo hehe! So here's a lovely shot of the flowers :)

I bought two new pair of shorts from Wet Seal and two new tank tops that I just LOVE. They were both on sale... I HAD to do it, haha :)
And today we got our new laptop hehe! We needed a new one cause of mine being destroyed thanks to McAfee (which we're working on getting to fix mine!) It's sooo nice! I am so in love with it lol! It has Windows 7! Amazing!
Today was Day 3 of our Love Dare challenge... and the dare was to buy something for each other. I bought Ethan superhero boxers and his mouthwash he's been asking for hehe and he bought us dinner last night from the Depot! It was yummy!
And the rest of the night we spent cuddled up watching Talladega Nights. Ethan's been asking me for days to sit down and watch it with him.. so we took last night to do that :)