I spent the morning working on homework assignments AND finally getting our printer to work! We got a USB cord for it thanks to Marilyn and it's working... yay! :) I was sooo happy hehe!
And this would be our FIRST printed page hehe :) What is it you might be asking yourself... our grocery list :D Yes, I feel grown up hehe!
and oh, how exciting... we got our FIRST net flix movie today thanks to Daphney! I don't know if you're reading this, but your coupon came in handy hehe! We ordered "Last House on the Left" and oh my lanta, I'm so excited to watch it! :)
And once Ethan got home, we headed over to his basketball game!
And once Ethan got home, we headed over to his basketball game!

And the final score was 54-35. Ethan's team scored the "54." He actually let me come to a game (apparently I make him nervous, haha) and guess what.. HE WON :) I just might be a good luck charm. He even had 14 points. Good job baby :)

And to make the time spent watching Ethan's basketball game go faster (haha) Carrie, Linda, and I chit-chatted! Their boyfriends played for the opposing team, but hey, they're my friends so we made it work, lol! Linda is Fred's girlfriend and Carrie is Matt's girlfriend. And oh yeah, my boyfriend Ethan kicked their boyfriend's butt in basketball, LOL. Just kidding girls if you're reading this, haha! I mean, he did win, but it was a little harsh to say he kicked their butts lol We had so much fun though.. giggling, talking about wanting our boobs bigger, LOL Good times, haha!