This is a lil thing Ethan and I always do... haha :) And yesterday we were text-arguing who loved who more. Yes, we seriously were. No, we are not 12. LOL And he kept saying "I love you more...." sooo I went ahead and proved him wrong and sent him this picture saying "No way I LOVE YOU THISSSSSSS MUCH!" Needless to say, I won that competition. haha :) We have way too much fun together, lemme tell ya.
Then, I went to lunch at my favorite restaurant EVER with my momma, Adele, and Cindy. Here they are:

I got the Muddy cheeseburger. It's a burger with cooked bologna on it, lettuce, tomato, onion, and mustard. With seasoned fries. And a raspberry iced tea. Yummy! I absolutely LOVE eating here! :)
Then it was cleaning and grocery shopping time. Always good fun, right? haha :) Here's my lovely grocery cart full of some yummy foods haha! I got food for Ethan's house... so we can cook dinner, breakfast.. have snacks, ya know? Whoohoo!

And just in case you need jock itch cream AND apple juice... they were being sold together yesterday, hahaha! Nah, not seriously, but my mom and I were seriously cracking up because someone thought it'd be funny to put random, ridiculous stuff through out the store. Thus the jock itch cream with the apple juice LOL Oh, it's the little things folks! haha :P