In 2009 I started a Project 365 documenting my life. According to
365Project, a "Project 365" is where you take a photo every day for a year. It helps you improve your photography skills as well as document your life. I started "Project 365" December 1, 2009 and 22 days later, I heard my now-husband's voice for the first time. I literally got to document our entire first year together. It was perfect. Then life got busy and I didn't follow through with "Project 365" like I wanted (documenting every year of our life.) However, we are getting ready to celebrate 10 years of being together, so now is as good as time as ever to begin "Project 365" again. And to start this journey, I thought I would share WHY I am so excited to have a fresh start on this picture-taking adventure- the first photo of the year:

My husband and I were driving down the road the other day and he started talking about how I never do anything for myself and said, "Look in your Ebay cart" and there sat this beauty. I haven't had a laptop in so long- I seriously teared up - and then anxiously checked Ebay every single day until the box was finally handed to be from the amazing USPS man!
So, this "Project 365" is brought to you from a new MacBook, thanks to my sweetheart of a husband! Never been more excited to do this! Cheers to new beginnings! I hope you'll all join me!