I'm not saying every day is going to be worth waking up for... but you have to, or you'll never stumble upon the days that really, truly are.
This morning was DEFINITELY a day worth waking up for, haha :) We woke up.. late. LOL Well, about 10:30 which rarely happens because Ethan's job has him waking up at the crack of dawn (and he's been on vacation this week which has been awesome!) so anyways, we woke up, got ready, and went and got "brunch" at the Dari Twist! It was soooo good! I got a hamburger with bacon, lettuce, and onion and some spicy curly fries with a sierra mist. Yummy! Ethan got a NASTY cole slaw dog. Yes, I just said that, and yes it smelled as nasty as it sounds haha! And he got cheese sticks. Those were at least partially good haha! But it was just an amazing morning. We sat outside on the picnic tables and enjoyed the day. I think he's really starting to enjoy those simple things that I like... like sitting outside on a sunny day, going on walks.. I'm training him. Slowly, haha! :)
Then after we got done eating, Ethan went and played ball with some of his boys!

After basketball, I had to go to an "interview" at Big Brothers Big Sisters so we can get another "little." Brad is graduating high school this year and is out of the program, so we're getting a new lil' guy :) We're excited! I didn't take a picture at the interview but I still wanted to document what we did hehe

Then it was grocery shopping time, wahoo! I had a budget for this week haha! We really just needed breakfast stuff so I bought some sausage biscuits, stuff for sausage gravy, bananas, pancake/sausage bites, a banquet meal, potatoes for mashed potatoes, blueberry bagels, strawberry creamed cheese, veggies and veggie dip, juice, milk, eggs.. you know, the basics :) I LOVE cooking breakfasts for Ethan so I was really excited to buy all of that!

And the rest of the night was spent at home with Ethan. We were so lazy, but it was awesome, haha :)
Cheers to Project 365!