Margaret Thatcher stated, "
Pennies do not come from heaven. They have to be earned here on earth."..... and I'd like to think I did something to earn this penny I found yesterday at TJ Maxx. As weird and cooky as it sounds, I believe in "good luck" pennies. Finding a penny puts a smile on my face. I love that moment when you see one. So, I was overjoyed when I was looking at clothes (one of my other favorite things to do haha) and stumbled upon this :) Oh yes, and I had a GREAT day yesterday hehe!

Then we went to Sam's Club.. and mom saw this duckie and she started waving the hand. I don't know why but I found it HILARIOUS and she said she was going to buy it for Ethan for Easter.... so I had to take a picture of it and send it to him, haha! They had TONS of HUGE stuffed animals. Yea, we had a good time, lol!

And then we stumbled upon this huge raft! I was in LOVE lol! It has a slide off the side, coolers on both side, drink spots.. Ethan keeps talking about buying a raft for the summer... and I sent a pic of this to him too, haha! It's freaking gi-normous! LOL! I wouldn't mind having that!

Then we went to Taco Bell for lunch. I had an AMAZING chicken bowl.... and Corey decided that he wanted to protect his OSU shirt and wore this napkin the WHOLE lunch, hahaha! And I just love the face he made haha! We had too much fun!

Okay, then I have to share this story. If you've never seen 2 women in Advanced Auto Works looking for oil, oil filters, and an air conditioner belt.. you're missing out, bahaha! Mom and I went in there yesterday to get those items for my car... and oh boy, it was an interesting experience. But hey, 45 questions, 25 minutes, and 3 phone calls to dad later... we had what we needed, hehe! I think the guy was highly amused. It was too funny. And the weird thing was?---- We were at the car parts store.. while dad was at the mall. Something is definitely wrong with this picture, haha!

Then, about 1:30, I get a text message from Ethan asking me if I'd be willing to bake a ho-ho cake for him to take to work tomorrow for the guys. He took a piece yesterday and they were all mesmerized by it, haha, so I went to Walmart and picked up the stuff I would need to make it... and got to it when I got home! Here's what the process looked like. Above is heating things up, mixing, etc.

This after I baked the cake, mixed the ingredients together for the icing, and spread it on the cake. Now all we had to wait for was the chocolate to pour over top of it. Mmm!

And there's the final product :) I hope everyone enjoys it! Thanks to my mom for her assistance! It was definitely an interesting experience, haha!
And the night ended with good ol' New Moon and Ethan cuddled up next to me. My favorite.

Cheers to Project 365!