I believe in sleeping in.
I believe in giving 100% when you only have 80.
I believe jamming out by yourself in the car.
I believe in kisses on the forehead.
I believe in smiling till your cheeks hurt.
I believe in being silly & crazy with your friends.
I believe in taking chances & making mistakes.
I believe in having someone tell you you're beautiful.
I believe in swinging on swings & running in the rain.
I believe in miracles & random acts of kindness.
I believe in saying hello to anyone & everyone.
I believe in 2nd chances & that everyone deserves one.
While cleaning the house that I live in probably isn't necessarily defined as a random act of kindness, I'm including it today because I do it out of love. I do it because I want my mom to come home from work and not have to worry about anything. I do it because I am so grateful that I have a place to live without having to pay rent while trying to get through grad school. I do it because I know that it is the right thing to do. And, well, I do it because I love jammin to some CMT while sweeping, haha! Y'all know my Friday routine by now, right? haha!
And after cleaning, I met my mom at the grocery store. It was pretty busy and the lines were forever long.. so my mom starts analyzing the chocolate bars.. and here's what she finds:

Then, I bought a shirt at Walmart.. it says it was a small... that's the size I wear, right? Yea, I tried that sucker on and lets just say I looked like the Incredible Hulk. That sucker ripped in like 45 different spots as soon as I put it on, haha. See that:
Amazing, huh? haha! And while at Walmart I bought TONS of stuff to make a Brownie Chocolate Chip Cheesecake since Ethan's birthday is tomorrow :) And he LOVES Brownies and Cheesecake! Here's a shot of me making the cake:
And the finished product. I should have bought whipped topping, but oh well! you live and learn I guess, huh? haha! Here's the link to the recipe for it:
And while making this lovely little cake... and trying to get the chocolate chip bag open... I busted it and spilled them everywhere. You know nothing I do can ever go EXACTLY right bahaha!
And the rest of the night was spent with Ethan and Scott haha. We watched good ol' Avatar and laughed til late! Good times, good times :)
Cheers to Project 365!


Cheers to Project 365!