William Albert Allard stated, "Words and pictures can work together to communicate more powerfully than either alone."
As most people in my life can tell, I'm a picture fan! I take my camera everywhere and I attempt to capture every moment I can! I'm so scared of forgetting things. I want to have tons of pictures to look back on... and recall those times, those precious moments that seem to slip away with the passing of time. Today, I got the chance to sit down and look through all of our albums for pictures of Grandma, Grandpa, and our entire family. My Uncle is putting together a slideshow for their anniversary party that is this Saturday. I am so excited! I love seeing our history. I love seeing pictures of my family! It was nice to just sit back and relax and look through all of our memories. Here's a picture of my Grandma and Grandpa and me that I found from my college graduation party:
Not only did I gather pictures for their anniversary party today, but I had to work my magic to somehow get my grandparents into my house Saturday night so I could sneak them to the party! That was a 45 minute phone call! haha! My grandma is so nosy and so full of questions! Lord, forgive me now.. I had to lie to her quite frequently, but she would not quit hehe! We got it worked out though and she thinks her and my grandpa have to meet Corey (my brother), Marie (his girlfriend), Ethan (my boyfriend), and myself at the house Saturday at 5:30PM so we can take them to a surprise, undisclosed location for an anniversary dinner. I told her us young'ns just wanted to spend some alone time with my grandparents! hehe And she ate that sucker up! Well, after we had a nice little discussion about the fact that my parents "are going out of town for the weekend" (which they're not really.. another white lie haha) and how we kiddos shouldn't be left alone at the house with our significant others, haha! She offered to spend the night. haha! Love you grandma! It's definitely going to be worth it all to see their faces at their party! Here's the lovely phone call face for you all to see, haha!

And my lovely day is ending with reading the "Go Girl Guide" that my lovely friend Rachel sent me!
Cheers to Project 365 and love that lasts for 50 years <3>