Saturday, March 26, 2011
Tons O' Topics Day 14
Day 480: March 25th- Baby Care Packages and Stuffed Shells!
And we had a baby care package from another dear friend of mine, Morgan! :) She bought Tayler tons of things! I figured I would share, hehe :)
[Lotion... Body Wash.. and Pacis! :)]
[A few shirts, hehe! "Mommy's Lil Shopper," "Surf Beach Patrol," and "America's Sweet Heart"]
[A few summer onesies :) Yes, Tayler is spoiled, haha! Aren't they adorable?]
[And how CUTE are these little shorts? haha! Ethan and I were freaking out about how adorable they are! hehe! :)]
Thank you so much Morgan and Amanda! Tayler will appreciate these soooo much :)
After opening the packages, I got started on dinner. Ethan and I were having stuffed shells tonight (and since I was running out of time... and forgot to buy garlic bread, haha, I ordered garlic bread and a salad for us to split from our local italian restaurant and had that delievered :))
I cut some corners on the stuffed shells today, but they still tasted good... at least I thought so, haha :) I cooked the pasta shells according to the instructions on the box, drained those, and let them cool. I browned a pound of hamburger and loaded it with garlic and pepper and added cheese. I stuffed the peppers and covered them in Preggo Spaghetti Sauce and mozzarella cheese. Cook those at 350 degrees for one hour and voila! :) It was a yummy dinner.. and we had cinnamon flat bread for dessert. Mmm! :)
And I had to share. My phone beeped this morning and it said it had to do an update, so of course, I did the update and my phone like completely changed around! Any Samsung Epic users out there? Did your phone do the same? I think the neatest change was the 'texting conversations.' Check this out:
The yellow is the person I'm texting, the blue is my texting. This was NOT how texting looked on my phone on Thursday, haha! But I really like it :)
Alright, well... I think that sums up our Friday. Still no baby, but maybe this weekend? *Fingers crossed*
Cheers to Project 365!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tons O' Topics Day 13
That's a tough one. There have been some amazing days in my life. But, and I'm going to get sappy here.... I would probably just go back to one day where my brother and I still lived at home with my parents.
I LOVE my life right now! I love being married to the love of my life. I love our house. I love being pregnant with our sweetheart. I love how things are, but...
I do miss being around my family all of the time. It's hard to believe that we all live a distance away from one another and we have to 'plan' visiting each other. I see my parents when I plan on going somewhere with them, or we invite them to dinner. I see my brother about 2 times a month because of his work/school schedule.
Life is a beautiful gift, but boy oh boy, did it go by quick. Sometimes, I just miss staying up late watching movies with all of them. I miss my mom popping pop corn at night. I miss the smell of my dad's coffee in the morning. I miss my brother stomping his feet thanks to an Xbox game he was playing. Sometimes, I just miss the 'old days.' hehe :)
Day 479- March 24th: 38 Weeks Pregnant, BBQ Chicken & American Idol Thoughts
But I think me facing the left shows the REAL view of this belly I'm carrying around. Huge, right? haha!
But I think upclose, it looks a little tinier, haha
And my bare belly, haha!
Drop, drop, drop my little lady! :)
And I figured I'd show you what it looks like when I look down LOL
That's one big belly, isn't it?? haha!! :) I LOVE it and although I'm going to be STOKED to have Tayler here, I will definitely miss feeling her kick and sitting down, rubbing my tummy :)
And since I'm pregnant and all.. I get these cravings. And well, Wednesday night I kept talking about how I had a craving for barbeque chicken, so I went to the store and bought barbeque sauce and set out to make some chicken in the crock pot today. When I got up at 4:45AM with Ethan to eat some breakfast and send him off to work, I thawed out chicken so it was ready at 10AM to put in the crock pot :) I covered it with 2 bottles of barbeque sauce and turned the crock pot on 'Low.' It smelled good all day long...
my daddy even agreed :) It came over to visit today! I think my parents get a little worried about me being so close to labor and being a good bit of distance from them, lol. But it was a fun visit! We talked.. he napped.. we watched the 'Game Show Network' hehe! He even brought me a milkshake. YUMMY :) The mail man came today and even brought Ethan's punching bag.... so, once Ethan got home, he had to pose with the punching bag and my dad got in there with him, hehe :)
Ethan was so proud, haha!
Thank you so much for the visit today, Dad! It meant SO much to me :)
Dad even stuck around for the BBQ Chicken. I think he liked the smell of it a little too much ;) haha! Dad had a bowl of BBQ Chicken and Ethan and I had baked potatoes with cheese and sour cream... and of course, the BBQ Chicken I'd been craving :) Here's my plate:
Oh yes, it TOTALLY hit the spot :)
And of course it was AMERICAN IDOL night in this household!
Now, if you'll remember, I predicted the bottom 3 as: Thia, Paul, & Haley and Haley was going home. (My PERSONAL prediction -- because I'm not a fan of Naima--- was bottom 3 as: Naima, Stefano, and Thia and Naima was going home...)
Oh how wrong I was!
CASEY ABRAMS got voted off. Holy crap! I seriously don't think ANYONE saw that coming, but America-- this is why you cannot just THINK someone is safe. You have to vote, vote, vote!!
Fortunately, the judges saved Casey Abrams. Thank God! I had him pegged from the beginning as the winner of the competition and my heart broke that there was a possibility of him going home :(
The bottom 3 ended up being: Thia, Stefano, and Casey. (The other two I completely agree with...) My heart broke when Casey got voted off and it broke as well when Ryan Seacreast told James Durbin and Paul McDonald they weren't safe (of course, it just meant they weren't safe from Hulk Hogan!)
Crazy American Idol night tonight. I'm so excited for next Wednesday already.
Cheers to Project 365!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tons O' Topics Day 12
Honestly, in December 2009, a bunch of my friends were on Plurk chit-chatting and one of them brought up the idea of a 'Project 365.' She said she had seen one of her friends writing about it on Facebook. So, we all get really curious about it. I started looking up other Project 365s and I FELL IN LOVE with the idea! So, I got started...
I started off just posting 1 picture a day, but soon, I started realizing I wanted to talk about my whole day, so I did that :) And soon, I branched off and started writing about other topics when the mood hit me.
I LOVE blogging. I LOVE documenting life. I enjoy looking back at March 24th, 2010 and see what I was doing then and see how my life has changed. I can't wait to take tons of pictures of Tayler and document her sweet, beautiful life :) I am a blogging advocate and I find myself encouraging a lot of others to blog as well!
Day 478- March 23rd: Casseroles and an American Idol Analysis
And Ethan went to work his 2nd job this evening, so I talked to my mom for a little while on the phone, then got all set and cozy to watch 'American Idol.' It was MOTOWN week this week. I was pretty excited to see how they would do things this week (especially who was going to change things up-- like Scotty!) Soo, as usual on Wednesdays, here is my American Idol break down, who I think is safe, who I think will be in the bottom 3, and who I think is going home.
As you all remember, I was wrong last week. I predicted Naima going home and sadly, Karen left us. We'll see if I can get it a little more accurate this week.
First of all, I think ALL contestants did much better this week than they have in previous weeks. It just seemed like they were all on the money and enjoyed themselves. I love seeing FUN performances and that's what I saw tonight, but I suppose that's because that's what Motown was all about! :)
First off-- Casey Abrams. AMAZING. I seriously don't know if I could think of another word for this guy. Our favorite. Definitely safe. Without a doubt. Part of me thinks he already has this competition in the bag.
Thia- It was nice to see her step out of the box. I think she did a good job, but she doesn't have stage performance like the others. That might end up hurting her in the long run.
Jacob Lusk- I have a feeling when they announced that it was Motown week to all of the American Idol contestants, there was a little 'crap' out of all of them because they knew this would be Jacob's week to shine and boy oh boy, HE DID. Amazing performance by him tonight.
Lauren- She's always been one of my favorites. She has an amazing voice, she looked just gorgeous, and she has stage performance. She works the crowd and I love that!
Stefano- I just can't get into his music or his vocal performance. He gets raving reviews on his voice and it just doesn't do much to me. I guess I just don't connect with him. He keeps getting critiques about not connecting with the audience and I think this will eventually hurt him in the long run...
Haley- She has SUCH a unique voice and I think she could go far in this competition, but the fact that she's been in the bottom 3 the past 2 weeks could hurt her. She has a great stage performance however and really shines! I sure hope she does make it past this round...
Scotty- Pulled off changing a Motown song into a country song. I was a nervous wreck for him, but he did it! He already has such a fan base however, I don't think he has ANYTHING to worry about. (Especially since I bet about a million 13 year old girls voted for him last night LOL)
Pia- She has a beautiful voice, but I'm getting BORED with her. She sings soft songs every single week. I'd like to see a different side of her if at all possible. I think the rest of American might just agree.
Paul- He was my favorite at the beginning because of his unique voice. I love how different he is and he really had such a spark on stage last night with his guitar in his hands.
Naima- Ugh. I don't know what it is about her, but I literally cannot stand watching her perform. I know, I know... that's terrible. But I just feel like she's super cocky and I just don't know.. I can't put my finger on it. I'm just not a fan as I've been repeating.. and repeating...
James- AMAZING as usual. I have no doubt he'll make it through this round... and the next round.. and the next round. He has crazy vocals and an amazing stage performance!
So, who is my pick for the bottom 3? UGH, it's so tough... I'm trying to keep my personal feelings out of it and vote how America would vote...
1. Haley Rinehart. I love her, but I think the past 2 weeks has shown she doesn't have much of a fan base and will be there again this week.
2. Paul McDonald-- As much as I hate saying it, I have this little feeling that he'll be in the bottom 3 this week. I could be wrong (it has happened before, hahaha!)
3. Thia Megia- As happy as I was to see her step out of her shell last night, I think when you look at all other contestants, she's not as strong (at least stage performance wise.) She doesn't seem as comfortable up there...
And who is going home??
Haley Rinehart.
HOWEVER, I will say this--
If it were my choice, bottom 3 would be: Stefano, Naima, & Thia. And NAIMA would be going home, haha!
What are your thoughts fellow American Idol watchers??
Cheers to Project 365!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Tons O' Topics Day 11
Project 365: Day 477- March 22nd
I don't think Tayler can eat out of that? HAHAHA! Oh goodness. But I soon realized that I'd just put the legs on backwards. Nothing I couldn't fix. And now look at our gorgeous high chair...
And this high chair is amazing because it folds up!
I stole this from a website, but I obviously downed mine so quickly, the camera didn't even have time to come out LOL! :) Oh nom, nom, nom! I wanted some spicey and yummy, haha! :)
And after chowing down on all of those calories, we went on 2 walks. Yes, people... we are TRYING to have a baby LOL Everyone says it's creepy to live next door to a cemetery... it is (at night LOL) but it makes for a GREAT place to walk! Tons of roads and tons of circles you can go in, hehe! I LOVE it.
Cheers to Project 365!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I'm Pregnant. Now What?
And this was my first belly picture taken on July 29th, 2010-- exactly 4 weeks pregnant :)
Telling the Family
Now, first let me tell you about telling my family. I was scared to death. Seriously. You would have thought I was a 15 year old girl that was pregnant (and I was 23 at at the time!) But I just knew that they would think I was ill-prepared (which I was...) I struggled with going to doctors for myself, let alone going monthly then weekly for myself AND another person. I had been dating my now husband for about 5 months... we lived in a one-bedroom apartment... I didn't have a job. Perfect situation, right? haha! :) But I finally told them. The dust settled and I have NEVER seen two people so excited to be grandparents in my life! (And surpisingly enough-- I've battled through these doctor appointments pretty well thanks to God and my sweet momma. I've had blood drawn more times than I count, 2 glucose tests, strep test, cervix checks, a pap smear.... whoo! Lots to do, but it's well worth it, I promise!)
A lot of people ask me if I had any symptoms before I found out I was pregnant. I usually answer 'Not really..' but after looking at my Project 365 and the week of July 21st-27th, I noticed that I had been complaining a lot about not feeling good. The Sunday before testing, I noted that I could not even lift my head off the couch. I don't know why I didn't think about that, but now that I look back--- nausea should have been my first clue! (But being a woman that has battled with lactose intolerance all my life, I figured it was normal, haha) Tender nipples was another clue too, now that I look back.
Morning Sickness
And since I battled with nausea SO early on in this pregnancy, I should have known that morning sickness would PLAGUE me. And boy oh boy, did it! Once everything had finally settled down, I had lost about 20 pounds. I started out my pregnancy at 136 pounds and was down to 119 pounds starting my 20th week. I battled with morning sickness until about 21-23 weeks (and I still suffer with it if I don't eat AS SOON as I get up!) I couldn't keep anything down. I lived off of pretzels and lemonade... and sometimes Sprite. I remember crying and calling my mom telling her I just couldn't do this. However, as time progressed, I got the hang of it... I started eating immediately and never letting myself get TOO hungry (because that's when I'd throw up!) I kept snacks on hand constantly. (If you're struggling with m/s, this is definitely something to remember!) It will pass though. This is something to remember :) Also, something that got me through-- I read once that morning sickness was a GREAT sign of a healthy baby and this website said 'If you're still getting sick, you're baby is typically still alright.' This eased my worried mind when I couldn't feel Tayler yet. I figure as long as I was still throwing up, Tayler-Bug was still okay! :)
I went through the pregnancy anxious to watch my belly grow! (And I documented EVERY week :)) Here is the 2 month belly shot:
That was what bloated looked like! HAHA! This is the point when the skirts/pants started getting a little snug. I felt like I was a blimp (oh if I only knew how this belly would eventually stretch, haha!!)
There really isn't anything you can do for bloatedness. Look at yourself in the mirror and embrace it. It means there's a little one growing in your tummy and it's all worth it, as I keep saying!
But it soon subsided... here's my 3 month belly shot:
You can see that she started protruding out a little bit there, but we still didn't know what we were having yet, obviously :)
The One Bedroom Apartment Drama
As of 14 weeks pregnant, we still lived in a 1-bedroom apartment. Because of all of the JUNK (haha) we had, we slept in the living room and the bedroom was full of a desk, printer, computer, piano, punching bag... well, you get the picture. We had nooo room for a baby and every place we tried to rent fell through :( It was terrible. I remember going to bed at night wondering how we were going to manage... how were we going to be able to live with a baby in this tiny area? It was so stressful. And then October 8th, we drove past a trailer down the street for us that said '3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom for rent.' Yes, we heard the hallelujah chorus! We called and were told that someone was in front of us asking about it, but they had to get a credit check! So, we still applied for the place, applied for a credit check.. and we waited. Well, apparently God really had His hands on us.. and the other people backed out and WE GOT THE PLACE! Here's a picture of me on the front steps holding the key :) We moved in on October 11th... we were so thankful! It was SUCH a blessing.
Finding Out The Gender
I've never been a person to wait for anything. And this goes for finding out WHAT we were having, haha! We were so anxious, so we called and scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound where they do early predictions. On October 23rd, 2010 I was 16 weeks pregnant (4months) and we found out we were expecting a precious little girl! I was SURPRISED. I thought it was a little boy. I had dreams about holding a little guy... and there was nothing between those legs, haha!
Here was my 4 month belly shot:
And these are some 3D ultrasound shots :)

Pap Smears, Cervix Checks... You and Your Vagina
Once you get pregnant, please note that modesty is no longer a priority on your list. There will be people you've never met in your life touching you... touching you... roughly, haha. I'll never forget my first pap smear. It is really scary, but please believe me-- it really isn't that bad! I think I cried from embarrassment more than I did from pain! Some lady was down at my vagina.... poking and proding. Good lord! I kept praying I'd just never run into her in the deli aisle at the grocery store.
As for getting your cervix checked, the doctor reaches 'up there' to feel around... and it can be VERY uncomfortable. The first time my doctor did it, I found myself staring at the ceiling (face beat red of course) whistling. 'Okay, he isn't looking at your va-jay-jay, he isn't looking at it...' (Of course, they aren't STARING at it, they are FEELING, but still... it can be embarrassing haha!) Just know that it's all something that you HAVE to do and once it's over..... it's over! Yes, it will feel like they're grabbing your tonsils from your crotch, but don't let that get to you. Trust me, haha!
The Dreaded Glucose Test
This picture was taken from a medical site, but I wanted to give you a good idea as to what the stuff you have to drink looks like:
It might not be the same every where, but where I'm from-- this is what you have to drink in less than 5 minutes. It's a lot of sugar (especially if you aren't used to it) but seriously-- it isn't that bad! It tasted like flat Sunkist (which I love!) I got my test done when I was about 26 weeks pregnant.. and I failed! Bummer, right? I shouldn't have ate a little bit before it. They told me they wouldn't give it to me on an empty stomach, so I had to eat something. I ate scrambled eggs... and I was 4 points over. Darn! The 3-hour one SUCKS. I won't even try and lie to you here, haha! You get poked 5 times. You drink that stuff on a VERY empty stomach... this could be why I threw it up. Oops!
Decorating a Baby Girl's Room
Personally, I was never a fan of the 'cute-sy' nursery decorations. There isn't ANYTHING wrong with them, I just wanted something......... different. So, we decided that we wanted black and white polka dots with a hot pink accent! :) We worked hard on painting the letters for above her bed. We ordered a black crib (that can change into 4 other beds. Sweet, right?) and a changing table that matched! My sweet mom made a ruffle for under her crib and made her gorgeous curtains. Ethan and I painted her polka dots and hung all of those up around her room. We had friends make us blankets... we made a blanket... we got tons of stuffed animals. My mom gave us a shelf. My sweet friend Kat made her a picture frame that matched... and eventually we had a BEDROOM for Tayler! It wasn't a quick process, so if it feels like your baby's room is taking forever, have no fear! Eventually it will get done!
Here is what the bedroom looked like when we first moved in (and still had no idea what we were having...):
And her bedroom as of today:
What a change right? :)
Trust me-- it will ALL come together!
More Belly Shots
I left off sharing my 4 month belly shot, so I figured I'd share my 5 month, 6 month, and 7 month belly shots for you :)
A lot of belly changing from that 1 month photo, huh? Enjoy it!
A lot of people ask me about stretchmarks. I have been LUCKY not to get them thus far. I'm hoping that these last few weeks don't take that luck away from me, but we'll see, haha! I do have 2 on my boobs, but I guess that comes with the territory (yes, ladies-- you will grow... and grow.. and just when you think your boobs can't grow anymore... they'll grow again haha!) but as far as my belly goes, so far, so good! I have used Vitamin E lotion the entire pregnancy. I bought this kind at the store:
I definitely recommend it! :)
We'll see if it continues paying off as these last few weeks continue to pass us... or maybe my daughter will be here soon?? Who knows!
Baby Shower Time!
8 months pregnant brought about BABY SHOWER TIME! :) My mom was the brains behind this operation and she did a theme that matched Tayler's bedroom! Tons of black, white, and hot pink polka dots!
Here's my 8 month belly shot:
And here are a few shots of the baby shower decorations:
And our cupcakes-
What did we do at our baby shower?
Well, first off-- we had a game where the ladies read a poem that they passed around so that they could meet one another. It was a great ice breaker and definintely livened up the room! I definitely recommend using it :)
We also had Tayler's name down the side of a page and the ladies had to find items in there purse that went with each letter T-A-Y-L-E-R.
The last game we played, we video-recorded Ethan (Tayler's Daddy) answering questions about women and pregnancy. (Questions such as: What is afterbirth? To which he replied-- When you're done being born. I'm an afterbirth, hahaha) Prior to his answering, the ladies would guess whether they thought he would get it right or wrong. It was a GREAT way to include Ethan (who still doesn't understand why he wasn't allowed to come, haha!)
You will get TONS of stuff at your baby shower. Remember that. Don't spend all your money on things like I did, hahaha!
This Will Happen
Now, I'm going to break it down for you here.
Your boobs WILL leak. I haven't even had my daughter yet... and my bras already have crust on the inside from where my boobs leak after a shower or while I'm sleeping. Gross, right? Eh! It's gotta happen :) I love it because I'm planning on nursing, so this makes me SUPER excited to know that things are already working 'in there' haha.
You will get gas. Grossssssssssssssssssss. It's true! I don't know what it is about pregnancy, but it brings out the worst in your digestive system. Prior to getting pregnant, I had honestly never stinkered in front of Ethan before.... and then once I got pregnant, ahhh, it just started happening! (And no, I'm not embarrassed to talk about this, haha! Trust me, once you get pregnant, you'll talk about anything including farting and leaking boobs!)
Discharge happens. It is gross. It is icky. But it happens. Don't be alarmed.
You get all too familiar with peeing in a cup while you're pregnant. I can't even count the number of times I've peed in a cup... (and when I say cup, I mean something like this...)
I stole that from a medical site too, but I wanted to give you a picture of what you're aiming for. Literally, haha! I have to pee in one of those EVERY time I go to the doctors office (and now that I'm going every week, it's even MORE fun, haha) But it's all for the health of your baby, you know? :)
Everyone asks me, "What are you craving" or "What did you crave?"
At the beginning of my pregnancy, I craved ALL things sour! Anything that made me pucker up! And that included indulging in these two things just about every day:
Pickles annnnnnnnnnnnnd....
Warheads! The Warheads took us FOREVER to find, but thankfully-- the candy store in our mall sold them and Ethan bought them for me! :)
I didn't want ANYTHING sweet at the beginning of the pregnancy. Taking a bite of a cup cake made me want to throw up. I can now eat sweets (as long as I'm in the mood for them), but I still CRAVE salty/sour things... like Salt and Vinegar chips :) MY FAVORITE!!!
I also craved fries. Lots and lots of fries. (See that salty kick)
I started feeling Tayler at around 15-16 weeks, but they were just simple flutters. It literally felt like something was flapping it's wings in my stomach. It kind of took my breath away.
As time progresses however, you'll start feeling subtle kicks. Mine usually were strongest when I was laying down. You'd start seeing her on the outside and others would start feeling her (about 21-25 weeks) Here's where she started shifting and you could see it outside of my stomach:
This was taken when I was 23 weeks pregnant.
And the alien belly only continued....
This was taken when I was 29 weeks pregnant.
Now, we get SHIFTS that you can see on the outside of my body. I have tons of videos throughout other blogs if you ever want to see those! :)
Moving is incredible. Enjoy it. Don't complain about it :) Sure, they'll get in your ribs. They'll sit on your bladder. But wouldn't you rather feel them than not?
The rumors are true... you will pee a lot during pregnancy. Sleep will flee once you get so big that it hurts you to sleep. (My back will ache if I lay on one side for too long...) Your blood sugar will drop faster than you're used to. (That little person inside takes a lot of your good stuff haha!) Vitamins are a necessity so make sure you are taking them! You will be hormonal. I've never had TV shows like Deal or No Deal make me cry... til now. Just trust that those around you WILL understand when you break down for no reason... And don't think you're crazy. It's just your body and all the changes it's going through. You will feel the need to sleep more often....... DO IT. Because once you get to the point where it's uncomfortable to sleep, you'll wish you took advantage of it when you were smaller. You will get hot. Hotter than normal. Dress in layers. Carry something to fan yourself. Bring water. Anything to keep yourself going good :) Avoid caffiene. Avoid pop.
Pregnancy Thoughts From Me
It's a tough journey, but please believe me when I say... IT'S BREATHTAKING. (And no, I'm not talking about when you get winded from just getting up off that couch ;) haha) Pregnancy is an incredible journey and I feel blessed to have been given the chance to take it. Enjoy it for what it is because it does go by quickly. Take in all of the moments (even the ones that don't seem 'good' at the moment.) Take lots and lots of pictures. Remember everything!
And last... my most recent belly shot (a little over 9 months pregnant)
You can definitely see how she's dropped :)
And that's my pregnancy journey thus far! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write me! I would love to hear from you! Pregnancy is a beautiful thing-- enjoy it!
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