Sunday, May 9, 2010

Project 365: Day 160- May 9th

The morning started with Ethan and I hanging out at his mom's house. Susan came over with her new beau and Jon was there of course lol. We hung out there for a few hours. Funny story: Susan, Chad, Carol, and I went to the Dari Twist (my favorite) and I was all like "Carol, I got this... (Carol is Ethan's mom)... I'll pay for you." I whipped out my debit card. Yea, guess what. They don't take debit card. So, there I was.. food in my hand.. no way to pay, haha. Thank God for Susan paying for everything LOL
Then, I left Ethan's mom's house after spending a couple hours there and met my mom at the ball field to watch my dad, Corey, and Brad play some softball! We left in the middle of the game so my mom could go SELL HER VAN. Whoo-hoo! Congratulations guys! :)

During the ball game, I played frisbee and hide-n-seek with Landon, haha! We had sooo much fun! He can throw that frisbee far. I know. I had to run after it LOL It was a blast! Here he is counting hehe:

After the ball game, we took momma to Steak-n-Shake. Yummy! I had a Chipotle Steak Burger.. and it was okay LOL I hate trying new things sometimes cause then when i don't like it, I get mad haha! But it was pretty tasty hehe! And while we were watiting on our food, mom opened her Mother's Day present. Here she is reading the card... it said something about how she gives us baths. (P.S She really doesn't hahaha) And then there's a picture of her and her new spring jacket she'd been "hinting" around about, haha! We love you mom!

After Steak-n-Shake, Brad and I headed back to where we live... and WHY YES, we were jamming to some Backstreet Boys... "That makesssss youuuu largerrrrrrrrrrr than LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFEEEEEEEEEEE" hahaha! We were having so much fun! LOL

And the night ended with me working on school work and watching Titanic :)

Cheers to Project 365!

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