Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Project 365: Day 16- December 16th

William McBride stated, He used to say he would rather lie down in the middle of the street and get hit by a truck than play bingo.

Well, honestly, I'd rather play Bingo. My mom printed off about 25 Bingo cards for us to use on Christmas Eve with the rest of the family and we were doing a practice run tonight (haha.) I love Bingo though.. but I HATE losing, which is what I seemed to excel at tonight LOL My mom won all the games, but see, we are pretty sure she had it rigged. She was calling the numbers..... *hmmm* Guess we'll never know. But I am so excited to play this on Christmas Eve with the rest of the fam!

Cheers to Project 365 and Bingo. You both keep me entertained.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Yay for bingo! she's very suspicious....just like the banker in Monopoly always winds up with more

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