Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project 365: Day 378- December 13th

Monday brought a great deal of snow for us! It was absolutely freezing outside... and too icky to go drive anywhere, haha! Don't get me wrong-- I LOVE the winter and I LOVE the cold, but I often refuse to drive in it, haha! :) Here's a view of the gorgeous snow out our front door:

And the cold and snow brought me staying indoors with my new peejays, (circa Saturday's blog), a fuzzy blanket, and my project for class. I'm struggling SO bad in this class it's unreal. I have the worst grade I've had in awhile and it's so frustrating because I'm just not that kind of student. I am seriously going to have to work extra hard the next few weeks to get that darn grade up. 

Ethan and I spent the rest of the evening cuddled up watching some TV shows :) 

Cheers to Project 365!

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