Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Project 365: Day 386- December 21st

Today was a special day. 

Yeah, it is absolutely CRAZY! This was one of my dreams... and I can hardly believe it has happened! God is so good to me, let me tell you! I almost can't believe that a year ago tomorrow, I was reading this allowed to Ethan for the first time and he told me to try and get it published... I was so scared.. so nervous (still am if I'm being honest here...) It's just one of those things... you're becoming vulnerable. You're opening your heart, your soul, and your life. I'm terrified of bad reviews or of my friends not enjoying it! I was driving myself crazy last night LOL But I know it's not perfect, but one thing I can say is that it came straight from my heart... and I just want someone's life to be changed because of it.

Anyone out there interested in purchasing? If you are, just follow this link and you can buy it!

It's a book about finding yourself and your purpose. It's about the heart. It takes a deeper look at life... and the beauty of it. It shows you that you do have a reason for being here :) Please just pray for every person that reads it that their life will be blessed-- that is my desire!

Last night, Ethan, my mom, dad, and myself went to the girls basketball game at our local college. A young lady I used to baby sit plays on the team (yes, that makes me feel OLD haha) and one of Ethan's HS friends plays on the team as well. It was quite the intense game-- a close score, a lot of fouls. I was stressed, haha! But our girls ended up pulling out a win! Here are a few photos of them playing:

Good job ladies!!

And cheers to Project 365!

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