Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 18: Favorite Gifts You’ve Ever Received

1. My first car-- a white Grand Prix :) I miss that sucker some days, haha!
2. Everything everyone has given us for Tayler! They have been huge blessings and we LOVE them all! They are some of the greatest gifts I could ever receive!
3. That being said-- Tayler is one of the greatest gifts I've ever received. She counts right? hehe! Of course she does! She is such a blessing!
4. Love :) I know, cheesy, right? Oh stop. It's true, haha!
5. My Droid. Although I don't have it any more, it was so sweet and so unexpected! Ethan brought it home for me during my 1st trimester when I couldn't even get out of bed I was so sick. So sweet!
6. The things within our house that we didn't have to purchase! My desk in our bedroom, my TV in our bedroom, our decorations in the kitchen, our furniture in the living room, the shelf in the living room... we are truly blessed!
7. All of the Scentsy stuff my bought me. She has me addicted, but I am so glad she introduced me to it!
8. My new camcorder I got for Christmas from my parents! I have enjoyed taping things for Tayler and taping other things for our family! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it :)

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