Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 21: The Best Advice You've Been Given

1. Prayer changes everything. This is the best advice I've ever been given. That talking to God can change any circumstance. It can change fear to peace, it can change sickness to healing. I love talking to God. He is my very best friend!
2. Follow your heart. My parents always told me this and it has made all of the difference in my life.
3. Enjoy every second of your pregnancy, it goes by fast. YOU AREN'T KIDDING. I literally feel like it was yesterday that I announced I was pregnant and here we are... 34-55 days away from meeting her! I'm so glad I've taken pictures of everything (maybe too many hahaha) but I've documented as much as I could and I am so thankful!
4. Smile. It can change your circumstance.. and it can change other's circumstances that see it. How true is that? I can MAKE myself happy despite what is surrounding me... and I can change someone else's day by smiling. A smile is contagious. Remember that.
5. Do not be selfish with anything you have been blessed with! Give, give, give. You have a good job? That's wonderful. Take care of your family and bless someone else. I hold true to those words and desire for my life to shine this! I don't ever want to be selfish with the things God has given me!
6. Never go to bed mad. I still hold tight to this and it's been years since my parents shared that piece of wisdom with me. I REFUSE to go to bed mad. What if someone happens in the middle of the night? You don't want the last words you spoke to someone to be out of anger.

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August 13th Journal Prompt: Anger.

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