Saturday, August 13, 2011

Project 365: Day 57- August 12th

We took Tayler shopping today. She loves being at the store :)
 And how about that dress? IT'S A 6 MONTH DRESS. Big girl! :)

And guess what? Tayler had apple juice for the first time today. Her pediatrician said that after she had all of her fruits, she could try Apple Juice. She had a sour face at first, haha!

But she liked it eventually :) She even had 2 ounces before bed and it really helps 'fill' in throughout the day when she'd normally be 'eating.' We love it! She's getting so big!

Then we all got ready and went to Zachary's birthday party. He turned 14 this week and he was having a party at the pool :) We had a blast! Corey was playing with the squirt guns... hiding behind a tree, haha!

And everyone was playing in the pool. Conga line, right? haha!

E and I even posed for a picture :)

I got that sweater for 3 bucks at Walmart. Nuff said, ha!

And we thought this picture was hilarious. I'm smiling, E is creepin!

We had a great day!


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