Friday, February 17, 2012

Weekly Meals 2/20-2/24

Alright, I have finally figured out what I want to make next week! How I have missed cooking this week. At times, I feel like it is a 'task' that I have to complete each day or we will starve, but when I didn't have the chance to cook the past few days, I actually really missed it.. which makes me think I might enjoy cooking even more than I thought I did ;) I always ask my husband what he wants for the week and usually he will say, "Eh, it doesn't really matter to me. Whatever you make, I'll eat." Whoo-hoo right? Such enthusiasm, haha! But this week, he put in a request! Taco Dip. I make this taco dip and really, I just throw in a bunch of stuff I think sounds good, but Ethan just loves it! So, I'll post that recipe this week along with the others on the day after I make them :) I'm really excited about the meals this week for some reason! 

Monday-- Homemade Crunch Wrap Supremes. This will be my first time trying this, so we will see how it all turns out! I am really anxious though :)

Tuesday-- Cubed Steaks/Mashed Potatoes/Ceaser Salads. I realize I just had this like 2 weeks ago as well, but we can't help it. It is a favorite around here and it is SO easy to make!

Wednesday-- French Toast Sandwiches. Wait til you see this one! I am SO excited to make it. I can't wait to share it with everyone!

Thursday-- It's Appetizer Day! We are going to have Bacon Cheddar Dip and Crackers along with Taco Dip and Tortilla chips. Sounds weird, but we have an 'Appetizer' day on occasion where we just have an assortment of our favorites. 

Friday-- Sausage Gravy and Biscuits. This is one of Tayler's favorites, so we are going to have it this week just for her :)

I'm going to try and control our budget this week. Last week, we went a little overboard with buying me tons of snacks and what not... it was bad LOL I was completely shocked at the check out and kept telling Ethan, "It really wasn't that bad..." but it was haha! Most of it was my fault-- I left my coupons at home! Are you a couponer? I wouldn't say I'm an 'extreme couponer' by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like to clip them to see if I can get a better deal than the off brand. 

What are you planning on making this week??

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