My dad invited us to a new church last night, so we decided to get up this morning and try it out :) We have been talking about wanting to go for quite some time now (to some church.. somewhere..) and so this just seemed like a good idea to try a new place. We got Tayler all ready in her new outfit that Uncle Corey and Aunt Marie bought (they also bought Quinn a matching one ;) I can't wait for them to wear them together.) I thought she looked ABSOLUTELY adorable this morning!!
Gosh, she's adorable :)
She did so good at church too. We had a couple moments of 'I'm really bored and I want to do something' but for the most part, she did amazing... especially considering we haven't had her at church since she started walking LOL :) It was a great service and I am very thankful that we were invited :) The preacher talked about sitting at the king's table. He told the story of Mephiboseth in 2 Samuel 9. He talked about how at the king's table, you were not allowed to pick up the table cloth. It covered the table all of the way to the floor.. which was a blessing for Mephiboseth who was crippled. He talked about how all of Mephiboseth's imperfections were covered at the king's table. It didn't matter what was in his past there, because NO ONE was allowed to pick up the table cloth to see what was under it. That's how it is for us too. We have a spot at the king's table... and it doesn't matter what is in our past. He loves us regardless and He won't allow other's to bring up what things we have done in our past. It was very encouraging :)
They sang a song that I loved too.. I spent all night trying to find it on youtube but I couldn't remember the words exactly lol. Finally, I found it!!!
It's called 'Nothing Remains the Same' by Clint Brown. If you have a second, check it out. It's beautiful. I could hardly hold back the tears. Just a huge blessing to hear it :)
So, all in all, we had a great morning! I came back home and got ready for a few photo sessions.. it was gorgeous out so I didn't mind! But I had some snuggle time with Tayler beforehand.. trying to get her to nap ;) haha!
Look how tired she was LOL! :)
and I took a photo of my two girls!
Eek :) I am so excited for Quinnie to be here soon! As of today, it was 38 -58 days until she's here! Woot woot! :)
After I got home from sessions, Tayler woke up from her nap and we took her outside to play... AGAIN! She was in heaven! :)
She is so freaking gorgeous. :)
Daddy was washing the cars, so she was having a blast getting sprayed by water (well, a mist.. haha) It was hysterical! :) After Daddy washed the cars, we took her to the park!
She had a dirty butt from sitting in the mulch lol :) We call that her 'sexy walk' haha! She just sways her booty back and forth. It's hilarious!
Daddy was pushing her on the swing. She absolutely loved it!
Hench her partially toothless grin, haha! Don't mind that. She fell and chipped her tooth. She's got a dentist appointment coming up for that ;) Should be fun ;) LOL! Just call her Miss Grace. But how adorable is that smile still??????
Sometimes I wonder what we EVER did without kids! :) She is our whole world. We both love spending time with her... especially outside!! :)
We had such a great day! Tayler was beat when we came inside, haha! She took a bath, ate some dinner, and hit the sack.. and so did we! That time change got to us all I think :)
Cheers to Project365x3!
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