Monday, March 18, 2013

Project365x3- Day 13: March 17th

Today was....


And guess what??

All of us forgot and did NOT wear green. Go figure, haha! But Tayler looked cute anyways.. as always ;)

Her Aunt Susan and Uncle Tim bought that dress for her for Christmas and she FINALLY got to wear it :) Didn't she look adorable?? She seems to really be getting in to dressing up for church. 

Speaking of...

this was our 2nd Sunday at a new church. It's called 'House of Grace' in Zanesville. I will probably be the first to admit it. I was skeptical. Not of the people.. or the church as a whole.. just concerning 'going back to church.' I haven't really been an active participant in a 'church building' since I was 20. It wasn't that I didn't have a relationship with God or still love Him with all of my heart. I just felt indifferent about some things, so I decided to develop my relationship with Him at home as opposed to at a church. Ethan and I talked about going to church often. He didn't really have a church background and he wanted to learn about God.. and we wanted Tayler to know who He is. God has been the peace and rock in my life and I, of course, wanted Tayler (and Quinn) to have that as well. 

Then this church opened up. My dad invited us and I am very thankful that he did. I feel my heart being filled with so much comfort there. It breaks my heart at times because I have heard negativity from other Christians about a new church entering the scene in our city. I'm thankful for it. More churches mean more hospitals for the broken hearted, right?  

We have been talking about 'grace' so much the past few weeks... it's a blessing. Because it's comforting to know that HE doesn't see through anything but EYES OF LOVE. (Lyrics to a song.. yes, I'm going to share it!)

We sang this song yesterday called 'If Not For Grace' by Clint Brown and let me tell you-- it BLESSED me. SO much! I can't even begin to tell you! Here are the lyrics:

Where would I be You only know
I'm Glad You see through eyes of love
A hopeless case, an empty place
If not for Grace

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
I once was lost but now I'm found
A hopeless case, an empty place
If not for Grace

Precious Lord please take my hand
Lead me on let me stand
A hopeless case, an empty place
If not for Grace


Here's a link if you'd like to listen to it.

Thank YOU JESUS for grace!!! Where would I be???? YOU ONLY KNOW!! 

I hope that touches you today!

After church, we went to 'Crenos' with some people from church and then we headed home. I was supposed to have photo sessions, but they cancelled due to the cold and sickness... completely understandable! LOL

So, we went to buy some snacks and settled in with 2 movies. 'Why Did I get Married' and 'Why Did I get Married Too?' was on TV. We were excited!

I kept trying to keep Tayler awake because she decided not to nap all day.. and she was getting extremely fussy at 6:00PM lol. I was not about to let her sleep and then not sleep tonight, haha! But guess what?? She climbed up beside of me.. and 2 seconds later.. was OUT, haha!

She's too stinkin' cute, haha!

I only let her sleep until about 7:00.. and then gave her bath to wake her up a bit. We finished our movie and then Ethan and I cranked up the music and did laundry together :) I love that he's my best friend!

That was our jam while folding clothes last night, haha! We were dancing and hanging up clothes. Tayler thought we were crazy, haha! So much fun! We cuddled up after that, watched a few episodes of 'Rules of Engagement..' and all 3 of us crashed!


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