The Calling to a Meek Spirit
The Voice version of the Bible states that Peter wrote 1 Peter 3 as a call to believers to humility, submission, and service. All of us to God... wives to husbands...
Peter writes, "In the same way, wives, you should patiently accept the authority of your husbands. This is so that even if they don’t obey God’s word, as they observe your pure respectful behavior, they may be persuaded without a word by the way you live."
God has called us to a life of servitude-- and in that servitude- He has called us to live a life pleasing to Him. So pleasing in fact that even if our husbands do not obey God's word, they will see our pure, respectful lives and be persuaded just by seeing how we act.
Another version of 1 Peter 3:2 states, "The same goes for you wives: Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs. There are husbands who, indifferent as they are to any words about God, will be captivated by your life of holy beauty. " (The Message)
It isn't always about our words. We can nag our husbands as much as want- we can try and preach the word to them-- but what really matters is how we live. Sometimes our actions are the only Bible people read-- what are they reading in our behavior?
Peter continued writing, "Don’t focus on decorating your exterior by doing your hair or putting on fancy jewelry or wearing fashionable clothes; let your adornment be what’s inside—the real you, the lasting beauty of a gracious and quiet spirit, in which God delights."
What matters is what is inside--- a gracious and quiet spirit.
Another version describes the spirit as "meek, quiet, gentle spirit."
Reading this brought tears to my eyes today-- Jesus, give me a meek spirit.
Meek: submissive, yielding, obedient, compliant, tame, biddable, tractable, humble, timid, unprotesting, unresisting, gentle, quiet
It is in our human nature to resist this, but it is the Holy Spirit that encourages us to seek it.
Being meek does not only apply to our husbands. It applies to our nature with all human beings. While I was reading these verses, I kept thinking of my children also. Now, please know I'm not saying we are called to be our children's slaves. What I am saying is that I know how rough it is as a parent-- we get frustrated, we get annoyed, we get aggravated-- BUT, we are called to be humble and gentle with them.
This is something that I struggle with.
Even if it is something small that happens, I get aggravated-- and I immediately snap. It frustrates me and I feel bad as soon as I do it, but I continue to do it nonetheless.
The only thing I find myself doing is praying over my mind and my spirit. Praying that God will fill me with meekness.
A quote on Pinterest stated, "Being meek does not mean weakness, but it does mean behaving with goodness and kindness, showing strength, serenity, healthy, self-worth, and self-control."
God, give me a spirit of goodness, kindness, serenity, self-worth, and self-control-- in my actions and in my words.
Our Importance.
I think one of my problems as far as addressing my lack of meekness is: my own opinion of my self-importance.
When I lack a gentle spirit with my children: I think my time is more important than this. I want to do something else more important than this.
When I nag my husband: My time is more valuable than these 10 extra seconds it takes to put your dishes in the sink. My time is more important than having to get you a drink while you're sitting on the couch.
When I am impatient and speak negative words to others: I'm more important and my time is more important than riding behind your slow car. I'm more important than waiting in line at the grocery store.
I'm more important...
This is where meekness tends to fly out the window for me.....
And haughtiness rears it's ugly head.
Another quote on Pinterest by Gordon B. Hinckley states, "Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others."
This is how we can maintain a humble spirit-- by remembering that we are here to make a difference in the lives of others-- or as Jesus would say-- by remembering that we are here to SERVE others. Especially our husbands and our children.
There is beauty in a quiet, gentle spirit--- it speaks volumes-- more than our words ever could....
To our husbands.
To our children.
To our families.
To our friends.
To this world.
This is how we can maintain a humble spirit-- by remembering that we are here to make a difference in the lives of others-- or as Jesus would say-- by remembering that we are here to SERVE others. Especially our husbands and our children.
There is beauty in a quiet, gentle spirit--- it speaks volumes-- more than our words ever could....
To our husbands.
To our children.
To our families.
To our friends.
To this world.
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