Friday, May 11, 2018

Week 7 of Summer Break (Letters M and N, Numbers 13 and 14)

In the previous post, we discussed our Summer schedule. In that schedule, there was an hour in the morning for theme week activities and an hour in the afternoon. Here is what we plan on doing each week we are on summer break. If there's an explanation or picture on Pinterest, the link is in the blog so make sure you check it out! I hope you'll join us!

Week 7: July 9th- July 13th
Letters of the Week: M and N. Numbers of the Week: 13 and 14
Snacks of the Week: Marshmallows and Nilla Wafers

Monday (July 9th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters M and N

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Circle all Ms in a tree

Book to Read: Read Mr. Reez's Sneezes by Curtis Parkinson

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: Moses parts the Red Sea (Exodus 14)
Moses parts the Red Sea craft 

Tuesday (July 10th) Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Circle all letter Ns on tree
M is for MATH TIME!

Book to Read:Read Mr. Reez's Sneezes by Curtis Parkinson 

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 7:14-25 Plague #1
Exodus 8:1-15 Plague #2, 8:16-19 Plague #3, 8:20-32 Plague #4)
Moses and the Ten Plagues Craft 
Wednesday (July 11th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters M and N
Matching Activity for the letter M
Letter N is for Ninja Turtle craft

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Trace numbers 13 and 14
Number Matching Cups

Book to Read: Read Mr. Reez's Sneezes by Curtis Parkinson

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion:  Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 9:1-7 plague #5, 9:8-12 plague #6, 9:13-35 plague #7
Moses and the 10 Plagues Craft
Thursday (July 12th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters M and N
Find objects around the house starting with the letter M

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Practice writing your name today

Book to Read: Read No, David by David Shannon 

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: Moses and the 10 Plagues (Exodus 10:1-20, Plague #8. Exodus 10:21-29, Plague #9, Exodus 11, Plague #10)
Moses and the 10 Plagues Craft

Friday (July 13th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters M and N
Find objects, letter N challenge (Look for objects around the house that start with the letter N)
N is for Numbers craft

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Book to Read:  Read Mr. Reez's Sneezes by Curtis Parkinson

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: M is for Mouth. (Psalms 19:14)
Make a mouth out of construction paper

Shopping List for the Week
construction paper
paper plates
alphabet magnets
nilla wafers
permanent marker

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