Sunday, May 13, 2018

Week 9 of Theme Weeks (Letters Q and R, Numbers 17 and 18)

In the previous post, we discussed our Summer schedule. In that schedule, there was an hour in the morning for theme week activities and an hour in the afternoon. Here is what we plan on doing each week we are on summer break. If there's an explanation or picture on Pinterest, the link is in the blog so make sure you check it out! I hope you'll join us!

Week 9: July 23rd- July 27th

Letters of the Week: Q and R
umbers of the Week: 17 and 18

Snacks of the Week: Quesadillas and Rice Krispy treats

Monday (July 23rd)

Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters Q and R

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Circle all Qs in a tree

Book to Read:
Read 'Read to Your Bunny' by Rosemary Wells

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: God provided QUAIL to the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 16)

Tuesday (July 24th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters Q and R
Alphabet Sheet/Match Magnets

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Circle all letter Rs on tree
Qtip craft with contact paper 

Book to Read: Read 'Read to Your Bunny' by Rosemary Wells

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: Read about Queen Esther (Esther 5)|
Queen Esther craft

Wednesday (July 25th)

Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters Q and R
Play Quarter tossing
R is for Rabbit craft

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Trace numbers 17 and 18
Make a counting caterpillar to number 17 and 18

Book to Read: Read 'Read to Your Bunny' by Rosemary Wells

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion:  God provided QUAIL to the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 16)
Sing these songs together:
There was a food that God did give
And manna was its name O
M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A, M-A-N-N-A
And manna was its name O.

There was a food that God did give
And quail was its name O
Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L, Q-U-A-I-L
And quail was its name O.

Thursday (July 26th)

Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters Q and R

Find objects around the house starting with the letter Q

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Book to Read: Read 'Rainbow Clown' by Shirley-May Sweetman  

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: R is for Recycle- learning about being a 'steward." Read Genesis 2:15.
Read about how to relate recycling and caring for the Earth to the Bible. Print Recycling coloring 

Friday (July 27th)
Morning Learning (9AM-10AM)

Trace letters Q and R
Find objects, letter R challenge (Look for objects around the house that start with the letter R)
Letter R is for Road challenge

Afternoon Learning (1:30PM-2:30PM)

Book to Read: Read 'Rainbow Clown' by Shirley-May Sweetman

Letter of the Week Bible Discussion: R is for Redeemer. Read Psalms 78:35. They gave witness that God was their rock, that High God was their redeemer.
Discuss what a 'Redeemer' is and do Jesus 'heals' craft

Shopping List for the Week

construction paper




paper plates

alphabet magnets

scrapbook paper
fruit loops for a craft
bandaids for a craft
stuff to make quesadillas
stuff to make rice krispy treats

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