Monday, June 15, 2020


Will Smith (in one of his amazing motivational YouTube videos) said "99% of people are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true" and that's got to be one of the most motivational things I've ever heard...
What's one of your big dreams?

And what holds you back from achieving them?

I would love to see some real, raw, honest, heart felt answers...

I'm sure mine is pretty easy to guess! But struggling with anxiety and a panic disorder stops me from all of my dreams. I want greatness. I want to not feel like a disappointment. To not feel like I did absolutely nothing with my life. I want to make my mark on this world. Spread goodness. Help others heal from things I've been through. I want to love. I want to give. And I want to learn how to overcome what holds me back from living this kind of life. I want to make an impact on this world, but it's hard to do from your couch because you're too afraid to leave it.

What holds you back?
How do we get over that hump?
How do we heal?
How do we face our fears?

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August 13th Journal Prompt: Anger.

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