Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Project 365: Day 71- February 9th

Winter is the time of promise because there is so little to do - or because you can now and then permit yourself the luxury of thinking so. ~Stanley Crawford
It was yet another day filled with TONS of snow today! We're getting hit with another beautiful (sigh) snow storm.. .so decided to capture a peaceful moment in it. When it snows, it pretty much means there isn't a whole lot to do... so, to make up for the time I was having to spend indoors, I washed my bedding! I feel like I am getting so old, because I was actually VERY excited about this, haha! :) Here's me in the process of getting the bedding onto the bed...
And the finished product :) I can't wait to climb into it tonight! That's the best part!

Then, since we're expecting more snow later, the boyfriend decided he would bring some movies and come down.. so I made the snack: No bake cookies and hot chocolate!

Cheers to Project 365 and life! and snow, I guess :) haha!

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August 13th Journal Prompt: Anger.

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