1 Corinthians 13:5 says, "Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it." (ERV)
Love does not get angry easily.
We have already discussed that love is not rude and love is not selfish over the past couple of days. Today, I want to talk about how love cannot be made angry easily.
I know I always say this- but this ignited a conviction in me like never before. My love has been so warped- so tainted- so void of what true love is.
How many of us watch our children spill a drink on the counter and we immediately raise our voices? How many of us don't even know what a soft answer looks like anymore? How many of us get mad at our spouses almost instantly? How many of us hold grudges against our friends for small indiscretion?
I love reading the true definition of words in the dictionary. I feel like it helps break things down for me. According to the dictionary, 'angry' means-- strong resentment. 'Resentment' means 'the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc. regarded as causing injury or insult.' So, in 1 Corinthians, Paul is telling us that love does not have feelings of displeasure concerning some act or person easily. Love does not get offended easily.
I wear my heart on my sleeve. I'll be honest. I get my feelings hurt easily. I cry easily. I get angry easily. I'm about as transparent as they come. I get offended easily.
And this is where God has been calling me to pray for my soul. Pray that I wouldn't get so angry or offended so easily.
I read a quote on Pinterest that really hit me hard. It said, "If another can easily anger you it is because you are off balance with yourself." And I firmly believe that is the truth. I get angry easily because I let my emotions control the circumstances as opposed to letting the Word of God control the circumstances. I don't remember the scriptures such as Romans 8:28- "We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. These are the people God chose, because that was his plan." I get offended because my emotions are the first thing I run to-- instead of remembering that God Almighty will work everything for my good if I allow Him to.
I honestly believe it is alright to be upset about situations. We are human beings. We are going to get frustrated if a drink has spilled for the 15th time. We are going to get aggravated in traffic. We are going to get mad when something isn't working properly. It happens...
but what God has asked of us is this- "“When you are angry, don’t let that anger make you sin,” and don’t stay angry all day." (Ephesians 4:26)
Be angry and sin not.
When I read this verse, I got to thinking about 'sin.' I'm sure we all have our own thoughts or interpretations of what 'sin' consists of. However, the dictionary's definition of 'sin' really opened my eyes to what anger and getting upset SHOULD look like.
The dictionary describes 'sin' as: "any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, lapse, etc."
Any regrettable action.
How many times have we been mad at someone and over the course of the argument, we regret words we have spoken or things we have done?
In Ephesians, God says- if you are going to choose to be angry, let no regrettable actions come from it.
I'm not sure about any else- but that stung when I thought about it like that.
God, forgive me for the regrettable actions that have come from my anger. Forgive me for the hurt I've caused people. Forgive me for the terrible words I've sometimes spoken out of anger. Forgive me Jesus for letting my emotions control my words and actions.
Through the Word of God, Jesus gives us ways to help combat anger and difficult situations.
1- In Proverbs 15:1 the Bible says, "A gentle answer makes anger disappear, but a rough answer makes it grow." Praying for our spirit. Praying for patience when ill words are being spoken to us or about us. Praying for The self-control to think before we speak. A gentle answer calms anger down. A harsh answer only increases it.
2- We can realize that our anger is hurting no one but ourselves. In Job 18:4, we read, "Your anger is hurting no one but you. Do you think this world was made for you alone? Do you think God should move mountains just to satisfy you?" Buddha once stated, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Anger will eat us alive if we let it. We have to learn to control it.
3- Proverbs 16:32 says, "It is better to be patient than to be a strong soldier. It is better to control your anger than to capture a city." It is better to control your anger than it is to capture a city. Learning self-control is necessary if we want to understand how not to get angry so easily. Proverbs 25:28 says, "People who cannot control themselves are like cities without walls to protect them." (ERV) We live in a day and age where everything is instantaneous. We have instant mashed potatoes, answers at the click of a button, speed dating, fast food... we as a society are learning how to not be patient. And this can be dangerous when it comes to relationships. We don't have the patience to hold our tongues. We don't have the patience to see marriages through tough times. We don't have the patience to exhibit self control with our anger. Today, let our prayer be-- Jesus, help us to learn self-control in all areas of our lives.
4- Pray to God Almighty for help and for strength. According to Colossians 3:8-11, Paul writes "But now put these things out of your life:anger, losing your temper, doing or saying things to hurt others, and saying shameful things. Don’t lie to each other. You have taken off those old clothes—the person you once were and the bad things you did then. 10 Now you are wearing a new life, a life that is new every day. You are growing in your understanding of the one who made you. You are becoming more and more like him..... Christ is all that matters and He is in all of you." Put these things out of your life- anger, losing your temper, saying hurtful things to others. Have you ever heard the saying, 'Four Things You Cannot Recover: The stone after the throw, the word after it is said, the occasion after it is missed, the time after it is gone.' We cannot recover our words after they are spoken. We can say sorry. We can beg for forgiveness. We can say we didn't mean it, but bottom line is-- they were said. And the person we spoke terrible things to is left to pick up the pieces of their spirit. They are left to toil over the pain the words left. They are forced to pray that God will heal their spirits-- all because we let anger take control of our words. We did not pray for these things (anger, losing our temper, saying hurtful things...) to be removed from our souls. God is the only one who can help us control our tongues and our tempers. And we can only accomplish this through a consistent prayer life.
I read a great quote that said 'Explain your anger instead of expressing it.' If we sit and think about that-- we will see that our words are powerful tools. If we need a little bit of time before having a discussion, we should take it-- and then come back with an attitude that we will share our anger in an appropriate manner instead of instantly snapping and expressing that anger in an unhealthy manner.
I know I need to be better about this. I feel my emotions strong- if I'm happy, I'm super happy. If I'm sad, I'm super sad. If I'm angry, I'm super angry. And I don't do a great job at controlling it. I yell. I don't hold my words. I speak whatever is on my mind-- and I know it has to hurt those around me.
Today, God I ask that You overwhelm our souls. Let your presence fall-- flood our spirits, Jesus. I plead the blood over our minds and over our words. I pray that You would put your peace within us. Help us to exercise self-control in all areas of our lives, but especially with anger.
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