Sunday, May 9, 2010

Project 365: Day 159- May 8th

I woke up this morning, made Ethan some breakfast, and then went to meet my mom and brother to go visit my grandma and grandpa Smith. I hadn't seen them in awhile, so it was definitely time for a visit. Well, while we were there, my grandpa showed us the card my mom sent him for his birthday. My brother and I were seriously DYING laughing haha! Check it out :)

When I got home from my grandmas, we hung out for awhile and then Ethan asked if i wanted to go for a walk while he "ran" hahahha :P I said of course cause I LOVE walks. So, we went to the bike trail and walked for about two hours. Yes, Ethan walked... oh, he ran for about 4.23423423 minutes LOL I just love him. I walked around the corner and there he was.. laying there, haha! But we had so much fun... holding hands, talking, looking at the scenery. I even got to see his tree stand where he hunts from :) We had a good afternoon. I just adore that boy!

Then Carrie and Matt came over for some taco salads and a movie night! We had soooo much fun! Here's the array of taco yumminess, haha! We had taco shells, tortilla chips, burritos, hamburger, ranch dressing, salsa, cheese, lettuce, peppers, tomatos.... oh my heavens! It was SO good! And I made dirt pudding for dessert hehe! Yummo! :) And the next two pictures are of Ethan and me and Carrie and Matt chowing on the pudding hehe :)

Carrie, Matt, Ethan, and I all decided to watch Space Jam. Oh, I am SO serious, hahahah! We totally reverted back to 4th grade LOL and we enjoyed it. There were parts in there.. I found SO hilarious... stuff I didn't even realize when I was 10 and it was released, haha. Too much fun! Then after Space Jam was over... we got a little more serious and watched The Lovely Bones. I wasn't a huge fan if we're being honest here.. but it was alright!

And the night ended with Ethan and I snuggled up.. okay, not snuggled up, haha, but we were playing cards. We're boring, old folk.. okay? LOL

Cheers to Project 365!

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