Saturday, February 6, 2010

Project 365: Day 68- February 6th

A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm. ~Bill Vaughan
This would be my attitude on a day to day basis. Like for instance--- this was my amazing lunch today, haha! Cheetos, a cheese lunchable, and Mint cookies! Oh my lanta! I even added juice. I felt like a little kid again, it was amazing, haha!

And then it was snow time! This is about how much snow we got.

Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author Unknown

Nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, "I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway." -Maya Angelou

When it snows... you have two choices: shovel it or make snow angels.

It has been one of those weekends of doing absolutely nothing... because everything was hidden under this blanket of white. It looks so peaceful, though. I get frustrated cause it limits our driving, etc. but wow, just taking a moment to look at it... it changes your whole perspective. The world gets kind of quiet. The hustle and bustle of life stops for a brief moment. You start to realize some of the things you take for granted. It's beautiful. It reall yis.

Cheers to Project 365! [and a Happy Birthday to my Grandma Rose]

Friday, February 5, 2010

Project 365: Day 67- February 5th

The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only.
Joseph Wood Krutch

And this is what we woke up to today in good ol' Ohio! Crazy amounts of snow.. and it is still coming down! Below is my precious little car being surrounded by all that nasty cold crap!

And the steps to the house! Amazing what 4-5 hours of snow can do to your front porch, haha!

And after all the snow excitement.. it was time to clean the house. And yes, I sing, play music, and dance while I clean.. sue me, haha! It helps me stay focused and have fun! I cannot imagine cleaning ANYTHING without some sort of music playing. Today's music of choice? Down by Jay Sean. Yes, I had it on repeat.. the ENTIRE TIME, haha! I love the Lil Wayne rap part. I gotta stop and bust a move every time it comes on!

And then, I heard my dad yelling for me to come look out the front door.. and lo and behold... he built a cute little snowman in front of my porch! haha! So, I had to run him out a hat and some buttons. He did a good job I must say! It looks great!

And I ended my night by watching Paranormal. BIG MISTAKE. I am literally not going to be able to sleep tonight.. or the lights are going to remain on for the duration of the evening. Eek! I know it wasn't necessarily true, but holy mother of pearl, that freaked me out haha!

Cheers to Project 365 and February!

Project 365: Day 66- February 4th

J.D. Cobb said "I thought so hard I got a headache..." and I'd like to say that's what happened to me today. It started off great! I changed up my "style" a little bit this morning and rocked a vest, jean skirt, and boots.. I was stoked for the day! There was a possibility I was going to get to see the boyfriend, I had a lead on a job.. oh yes, it was a day of opportunities. BUT before doing all of that, I had to read 10 (yes 10) chapters in my Education books for class..

and anytime I have to read that many books I have not quite the greatest interest in, it leads to.....a headache. So from about 330PM yesterday afternoon until this morning, I was in bed with one of the worst migraines I have ever had. I was so nauseous... my neck hurt, shoulders. It was incredibly painful and ruined any chances of being productive yesterday afternoon/evening, haha! Needless to say.. this was my friend:

But I woke up this morning feeling MUCH better! Still a slight, dull headache, but not near as bad as last night! Now-- next goal, survive this snow we're getting!

Cheers to Project 365 and headaches.. they make you appreciate it when your head feels normal, haha! :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project 365: Day 65- February 3rd

C.S Lewis said "We read to know we are not alone."

That quote basically sums up my life. I love reading... anything. I have like 5 different books started right now, but sadly, they have all got put on hold for another love: education. My professor so graciously assigned us to read 11 chapters for us to read this week.. and I wish I was exaggerating on that number honestly. So, I have had my head buried in "Literacy, Technology, and Diversity" and "Teaching and Learning with Technology" today! Good times! And it will only continue into the evening.. and morning, because I have A LOT of work to get done by tomorrow. Whoohoo, haha :)

Then, to make my day... I got love this week on twitter from Daniel Tosh AND Blake Shelton! I am so serious. If you are twitterly-active, you would understand how HUGE of a deal this is, haha! Here's my proof:

Daniel Tosh love ^

Blake Shelton love ^ [yes, he called me a butthead, haha!]

Cheers to Project 365!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Project 365: Day 64- February 2nd

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis

This would be our motto, haha! Tomorrow is Kourtney's birthday so we had a party tonight for it! This is the sign I worked on this morning! Since I don't have a great deal of money, haha, I decided to just make some decorations for her! Here's how the sign turned out:

Not bad for cutting out all those letters, right? haha! Then, I made Kourtney a card!

And here's the whole room finally decorated, haha! We even made coasters for our drinks with our names on them, haha! We love our girl :)

And the food for the night... we had spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad, no bake cookies, and fun fetti cake with chocolate icing! Oh yes, it was a lot of food and we enjoyed every single bit of it, haha!

And here are a few shots of my girls :)

All in all, we had a great night tonight! Happy 22nd Birthday Kourt! Hope it was a great night for you as well! We love you :)


Monday, February 1, 2010

Project 365: Day 63- Feburary 1st

Love? It’s kind of complicated, kid - but I’ll tell you this. The second you're willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy - that's love right there.
At 5:00AM the lovely sound of my alarm clock rang in my ears... and it was time to wake up and make my boy some breakfast. Yea, I'm probably a little weird, but I absolutely love doing this stuff! This morning was french toast with blueberries, powdered sugar, cinnamon, and syrup.. with a side of sausage and his favorite juice, hehe. I typically try and get it done before I wake him up at 5:30. I love seeing his face :) And I even had enough time to pack him some lunch today too! Roast, bread and butter, yogurt, and banana cream pies. Like I always say, I feel like a wifey during those moments, but I love it.

Then, it was time to crack down on these 2 papers I ha
d due today... that I procrastinated on. Yes, I had a week to do them... and yes, I waited till today to start them. *smacks head* So, yes, it is my fault that I was under so much stress... see that face.. not good...

This was the culprit.. as to why it was taking me so long.. because I didn't understand what the paper was really suppose to say! Grr!
But I finally got it submitted and all was well in the universe again!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Project 365: Day 62- January 31st

It was nice growing up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on!
-- Author Unknown

haha, what a truthful quote! Growing up with Corey was quite an experience. We fought a good bit it seems like.. looking back, but today, he's one of my best friends. I couldn't imagine life without him in it. I can call him and talk to him about anything. He listens. He offers advice. He cares. And this picture is a shot of him leaving to go back to college today. Makes me so sad when he leaves, but I know it's what he has to do. I am so proud of him. He is doing great things in the ECE Program at OSU. I love you bub!

Then, we heard a knock at the door and my aunt dropped off a little envelope for me.. I opened it up and it was a little card that says "WE LOVE YOU" on it and a cute little craft by little cousin Chloe made me this morning! It's the little things that just touch your heart. Aunt Shelly if you're reading this, let Chloe know how much I appreciated this and how it made my day! I have it hanging up in my room as we speak.

And this is a picture from a few months ago, but I just wanted you to see who Chloe is! This is her and I at a football game hehe :)

And the rest of the night was spent with the boyfriend. We watched "21" and "1408." Odd huh? All number movies, haha! I missed him SO much! I hadn't seen him since Thursday morning!

Cheers to Project 365 and family and friends. You both make me smile :)

August 13th Journal Prompt: Anger.

 The journal prompt of the day is: How do you deal with your anger? I bottle a lot of my emotions up inside. If I feel anger- it may show on...