Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Writing Challenge: Day 15 (07.31.2019)

"The Writing Challenge" today is: bullet point your entire day.

Well, I'm a stay at home Momma, LOL, so get ready for these bullet points!

  • 6:45am- Wake up time for the Bay house! All of the children are typically up by this point. And we start getting Daddy ready to leave for work.
  • 7:30am- Everyone rubs their eyes, lays on the couch with blankets, and wakes up- then breakfast time! Usually cereal or toast. 
  • 8:00-9:00am- I blog during this time and the kids usually watch youtube or something to relax! It's our 'down time' in the morning!
  • 9:00am- I typically start moving from room to room to clean! I can't sit here and relax knowing rooms are a mess and with 3 kids and toys- they usually are! LOL So, we start by cleaning the girl's bedroom and move through the house. Next is the back bathroom, then the living room. I usually jam to music during this time and collect dirty clothes.
  • 10:00am- By 10, I'm usually on to the kitchen and by this point, everyone wants a snack, so since I'm already out there cleaning, we do a mini snack before lunch. Clean the kitchen and move down the hallway.
  • 10:45am- Clean Luc's bedroom and usually clean up the laundry room. There's usually stuff everywhere from the night before, so all of it gets put back in it's spot. 
  • 11am- Start laundry, clean the other bathroom, and straighten up our room. 
  • 11:30am- Lunch time! We usually do something simple. PB&Js, spaghetti o's, Mac and cheese. Basic things! And we usually turn on a movie or a TV show during this time! 
  • 12:30pm- Since the house is still somewhat clean (I'm home with 3 kids all day! What gets done in the morning, is usually somewhat undone by the afternoon!) I usually jump in the shower and get ready. 
  • 1:00pm- Usually takes me about 30 minutes to get ready and after I'm done, the kids always go straight in the tub after. 
  • 1:30pm- Get kids dressed and ready for the day depending on what we have going on that night.
  • 2:00pm- Fold laundry and put it away. Whatever load(s) I've had going all day gets thrown in the a pile on the floor and after everyone is ready to go for the day, it all gets sorted and put away. Just about every single day. I hate piled up laundry because I have no room for it. It HAS to get put away! Benefits of a tiny house! LOL
  • 2:45pm- After laundry, kids usually get another small snack to hold them over til dinner time! 
  • 3:00pm- I usually start doing another walk through of the house so it is clean when my husband gets home. This includes more vacuuming, sweeping floors, putting in Scentsy, etc.
  • 3:30-4:00pm- We usually cuddle on the couch and wait for me to start dinner during this time (as long as everything is done!)
  • 4:00pm- I usually start prepping dinner about this time and wash whatever lunch dishes were left in the sink. 
  • 5:00pm- Start grabbing plates and silverware and get everything perfect for when Daddy comes home! 
  • 5:30pm- DINNER TIME!
  • 6:30pm- Family time. We usually go for walks or head to the park during this time since it's a little cooler out. 
  • 8:00pm- Relax time. Everyone starts settling down for the night. This can include reading, watching iPad, laying on the couch, etc. My husband and I will watch our TV shows during this time.
  • 9:00pm- Everyone is usually headed to bed by this point. Bed time is anywhere from 9-10pm. 
And we start all over again the next day!! LOL 

What's your normal day look like?

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