Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Our First Tummy Time!

The gift of motherhood is a 'good and perfect' gift from the Lord. Unwrap it and you will discover a depth of love and commitment surpassed only by the cross. [Blessings for Mothers devotional book]
We had a home health visit yesterday and the RN told us that it would be good to start Tayler on some tummy time. (Where you take a blanket, lay it on the ground, put her on her tummy, and allow her to move her neck around and what not...) I didn't know how early to start this, so I was thankful she told us it was okay!! :) So last night (April 12th, 2011) was the first time we tried it... she didn't really enjoy it at first haha! She pitched a little fit, but once she realized she had a little bit of independence and was able to move her head back and forth... she LOVED it :) We did it for about 10 minutes and OF COURSE, I took pictures! I love documenting all of her little milestones... sue me, haha!

Tayler's daddy was so proud! :)

And here she was getting ready to lift up her head:


She did tummy time for a good 10 minutes and loved it! :) I can't wait to see her keep growing and learning how to use her hands, feet, legs, head, etc. I am so proud of her already! She had the little booty in the air.... I swear if her arms and neck were a little stronger, she'd be ready to crawl, haha!

Tummy time wore her out though, so she cuddled up next to mommy in her boppy pillow and watched a movie :)


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