Monday, June 13, 2011

Finding Romance..... Beyond the Cries

I will say this: Having a baby does indeed change the 'bedroom scene' a tad bit. Sorry mom if you're reading this, haha! I'm sure this won't be your favorite blog of mine.... You can "x" out and my feelings won't be hurt ;) haha!

E and I have a 2 month old. I know, I bet you're all shocked, haha! But seriously-- we have a 2 month old that NEEDS us. (And when I say NEEDS us, I'm talking.... she can't do much at all without our help. We change her diapers, feed her every 2 hours, hold her, burp her, hold her up so she can sit, bathe her... you get the picture, hehe!) We LOVE our sweet Tayler and we are SO thankful for her being in our lives, but what a transition it was in EVERY area of our life when she entered our world. Where we once went to bed whenever we wanted (because we didn't have to worry about 2AM feedings....), we now go to bed when she goes to bed, so we can sneak in a few more hours of sleep before she wakes up again. 

It's been an adjustment.. but I think the greatest adjustment has been our sex life (or should I call it our 'romantic life?' haha!) When I first had Tayler, we didn't have sex at all (for obvious health reasons... we waited until I was cleared at my 6 week appointment..) but after that, we were still struggling to find time to be intimate. Waking up in the mornings, I'd feed Tayler, sneak in a few more hours of sleep, feed Tayler, wash bottles, sterilize bottles, prepare bottles for the day, start laundry, clean up, feed Tayler, get a diaper bag together, get Tayler ready, run some errands (all while E was sleeping because of his work schedule..). By the time E got up.. I was beat! He'd wake up, we'd eat lunch together, watch a TV show while one of us was playing with or holding Tayler... E would then get ready for work, I'd start dinner, we'd eat dinner, I'd pack E's lunch, and he'd head out the door. The next morning, we'd start it all over again. And on the days he didn't work, we were so worried about catching up on sleep (because coffee only works for so long til you just crash... can I get an amen? haha!) that we didn't even THINK about sex. Seriously-- when Tayler was about 8 weeks old I said, "E-- do you realize we haven't had sex for 2 weeks..." and both of us were completely shocked. We hadn't even missed it. BUT I had started missing it because I realized our relationship was suffering a bit...

And don't give me that look, haha! I hear from women all the time-- "Sex shouldn't be the most important part of a relationship/marriage" and seriously-- I completely agree. BUT truth of the matter is this: Sex SHOULD BE A GREAT PART OF A RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE. It's not about lust. It's about pleasing your partner. It's about your souls connecting. E and I talk about it all the time after being intimate-- when we are intimate, we feel like we are connected... we are one. It unites us. It eases our stress and frustrations. It gives us time to just enjoy each other... Sex is important. Please remember that! 

So when we realized that we hadn't been intimate in about 2 weeks... we realized that's why we had been arguing. We felt so distant from one another. I told E I felt more like his roommate than his partner. It was true! I felt like we just talked, watched TV together, and went our separate ways. It bothered me. So, we decided we needed to do some revamping. We had to get our intimacy back (well, somewhat back.... if we got our intimacy back to how it USED to be, I don't think Tayler would ever be taken care of ;) bahaha. Gross? K, I'll stop!)

We worked hard at taking advantage of our down time. Why not use one of Tayler's naps to be intimate as opposed to watching our DVR? It's DVR. It can wait. Our intimate moments will soon pass us by. We realized we could take a nap through the day, so we'd feel more rested after she went to bed at night. We spent time cuddling while watching TV. We smacked each other's behinds when waking past. (HEY- it's cute and sexy, haha!) As I stated before, it was a difficult transition, but we knew it was something we had to do... for our sanity's sake! And guess what? We have been a much happier couple. No, not because we're having hot, banging sex every day... but because we care enough about each other to make sure we connect both physically and spiritually. Given, it's about 1-2x a week now, but it's progress. 

For those of you that have children-- do you still find time to reconnect? Do you make time for one another? How do you make sure you have romance in your relationship?

If you are struggling with finding intimacy again, WORK AT IT. Trust me! You will be happier if you do :) It is sooo worth it!

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Taryn said...

GREAT post!! The plus side? Tayler won't ALWAYS be so needy for the rest of her life. :]

eMiLy.jaNe.LaLLathiN said...

Sounds like you're figuring it out, and MUCH sooner than we did LoL!! It didn't help that I was on strict bedrest the last 6 weeks of pregnancy (no sex).. had a c-section (7 weeks no sex) and had my gallbladder removed RIGHT after that (you guessed it... 3 more weeks of "no sex" from the doctor)thats 16 WEEKSSS.. I honestly felt SO ACKWARD the first time after becasue we hadnt been itimate in 4 MONTHS =O.. But with some work (especially becasue we are trying to conciev e hehe we are back in the swing of things.. Every month Tay grows it will get that much easier to find time!! Now that Aidyn can sit in his crib with a pile of toys and be happy, its much easier to turn on the moniter and have our own time, even if its just cuddled up in bed watchin tv =] You got this girl

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